Best way to create realistic terrain?

I’m trying to create most realistic terrain in Roblox studio. From my research, Roblox doesn’t have very good terrain skills for achieving this. Is there some app that allows me to make realistic terrain then import it into Roblox studio?


Step 1: Use Height Maps to make a realistic looking terrain.

In Blender, enable the add-on A.N.T Landscape and create your terrain.

Here’s a link to a tutorial on A.N.T Landscape :point_up_2:

Step 2: Create an Height-Map from the terrain you created

Once you’re done, you can make that terrian into a Height-Map.

Here’s a link to a tutorial on converting terrains into Height-Maps :point_up_2:

Step 3: Import your Height-Map Image into Roblox Studio

Import the Height-Map into Roblox Studio

Here’s a link to a tutorial on importing Height-Maps into Roblox Studio :point_up_2:

At first, this process may seem intimidating, but once you get used to it, you’ll be able to create beautiful terrain on Roblox. :desert_island:

Alternatively, you can search for Terrain Height-Maps on Google and see all the images. If you find something you like, you can save it and import it into Roblox.

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:


It really depends. If you want simpler terrain, then sure, heightmaps could come to great use. But if we’re talking about realistic terrain with realistic proportions relative to the player’s size, or at least similar to reality in a way, then I would not recomment using heightmaps. They can sometimes be very glitchy and unpredictable. Your best bet would be shaping the terrain by hand.

Ok thank you, I’ll take a look into it

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