Best way to create terrain

Best way to create terrain

Hello, so I’ve been trying to get my head around getting terrain work done for one of my upcoming games, based in a dystopian era.
Unfortunately I am unable to come up with a good choice.
I was thinking about using the classic Roblox terrain, which has its pros for realism but then we get other sorts of terrain pop up, such as parts and meshes (aka low poly)

Obviously, I thought about creating a topic to gather opinions on terrain design and how they can affect the game.
Any replays will be highly appreciated. :slight_smile:


you can mix roblox terrain with low poly and meshes, but you have to blend it very well and it’ll somewhat look good. as i make terrain just go off real life and try to get every aspect in there with hills, mountains, different materials like mud, etc. really just give it your best shot

Mixing different types of “terrain” may not be a bad shot to be honest with you and can effectively impact the game in a positive direction, however this brings up one of my other concerns considering I am already using a large amount of meshes, wouldn’t this dramatically decrease the game’s performance? I’ll 100% keep this in mind.

Low poly shouldn’t decrease performance very much at all. It’d be very different if it was more complex terrain, but I’ve seen games such as cafes mix Roblox’s terrain and low poly terrain and it looks pretty decent.