I’m currently working on a game involving players shooting balls (similar to the Superball tool) at each other. The problem I’m facing is that the balls are spawning behind the player / are somewhat delayed because of the way I’m currently doing it (which is firing a RemoteEvent & spawning the ball on the server).
Is there a better way of doing this? I’ve heard that the best way of doing it for guns is to spawn it locally & use raycasting on the server, but this same thing wouldn’t work in my case just because the ball moves more slowly (and so raycasting simply wouldn’t work). I’d like to spawn it locally if there’s any way of doing that, but it seems tricky to get it replicated.
Oh, wait a second… In looking through as to posting the code I think I figured it out. Thanks.
Issue was that I’m sending the coordinates of where the player is aiming locally, then setting that to the target on the server & firing at that point. I think if I take that as a direction locally instead, then I can calculate the coordinates from the server & that should fix the issue here.