Best Way to Generate Nodes to Make a Train Move

Hey DevForum,
Just interested in your ideas about:
What’s the best way to generate nodes for my track?
I do have parts in the middle of my tracks at the moment, but that can change.


Please post some pictures or sketches of your setup, so we can get a better understanding of what you’ve got a and what you’re trying to achieve.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume you already have a railroad track. If this is the case you can just use the railroad ties as the nodes.

Wdym by railroad ties?
Picture for @ThanksRoBama:

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He means the wood bits that are under the track. Those are the ties.

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It’s still not clear what is going on. What do the red lines represent? And how would you want these “nodes” to be laid out? How exactly will they be used to “make a train move”?

The red lines are the middle of the track.
The train show move along it.

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