What was your click to join rate, approximately, on that ad? I’ve found that some ads do get high click numbers but don’t transform as nicely to game plays/group joins.
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I can’t really remember but it doubled my member count which was 200 and i ran the ad for 500
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We included a code to claim a free item in one of our ads for Wings of Glory. It got about 4.5% CTR compared to our standard ad which got between 1% and 1.45% CTR.
Offering viewers something to gain incentivizes them to click the ad despite the fact they may not even know what they’re claiming. We had a free code for a P-400 in-game and I can guarantee the overwhelming majority of players who clicked that ad had no idea what that is.
So if you have something you can offer potential players then I’d definitely try that, just don’t make it too valuable. Just make sure the keyword “free” is present in the ad.