Best way to have pixel art textures

I want my game to have pixel art textures, but i cant use regular textures because they make the pixel art blurry. I am using surface guis with the image resample mode on pixelated, however surface guis cause some problems like the scaling not working properly. Are there any better alternatives?

Comparison between Texture and Gui

Scaling problem

You should try material variants out.
They tile better

mmmm, if the regular textures blur the pixel art, have you tried scaling it up? Roblox tends to auto blur small textures but if the texture is bigger then it shouldnt be a problem!

For some reason i cant upload images to materials I get Error uploading asset, responseCode 500

upload them using the asset manager and then copy thier Ids over to the material manager.

It worked but the textures are still blurry

I guess i could do that but i would have to make the image size a lot bigger so i think ill just stick to surfaceGuis

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