Best way to hide other Player's characters?

I’m currently working on a system that hides Player’s that aren’t in the same area as the main Player.

I currently do this by having Folders in Workspace that Parent the Players - and using a LocalScript and Render.Stepped loop, it checks to see if the Players characters’ share the same parent, if so they’re visible if not they’re invisible.

I was wondering if there were any easier or simpler way to do this? As I found the Players character bugs on occasion if it’s parent is changed.

Thank you.


Create a folder in ReplicatedStorage dedicated to storing characters. Now, on the client, parent other character models to this folder to hide them and back to the Workspace to make them visible again.

You’d have to set up some additional logic for when characters respawn and when re-parenting to the workspace characters need a positional update from the server to appear in their actual location.

It’s used in some of the top games and although undocumented and unintentional, will likely remain supported since it is the only way to achieve a performance-friendly game in larger servers.