Best Way To Increase The Next Required Amount Of Exp

Alright, so currently I have a level system with experience, but I want to make it where every time you lvl up, the experience required to level up again will increase. What would be the best way to do this?

I’ve tried this, however as you reach around level 30, it increases significantly, obviously since its an exponential growth. Anyways how do other games make it where the required exp increases, but not so significantly?

local expreq = math.floor(10 * 1.15 ^ level.Value
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You could make it multiply instead of make it an exponent, you can add a number with the level you have increase every time, you can add the level itself. There’s so many things to do, you shouldn’t need help.
As for the best way, think of how much xp you get from doing x and how hard x is. From there, think of if adding, multipling, or a combination. Using exponents is just way too much for a good level system in almost all cases.

you could multiply by a smaller number starting from the levels where it increases too much.

I usually do something like local expreq = math.floor(level.Value ^ 1.1). This gives a nice compromise between a linear increase local expreq = math.floor(level.Value * 2) and your exponential approach local expreq = math.floor(10 * 1.15 ^ level.Value)

The following is a visual example

  • Red = your method (Exponetial)
  • Blue = my method (Squared)
  • Green = alternate method you could also use (Linear)

Edit: Also if your going to do my suggested method don’t forget to add an offset e.g local expreq = math.floor((level.Value ^ 1.1) + 10). This way when their level is 0, they will need 10 xp to reach the next level.

When I tried to make a leveling system, I basically just took the players level and multiplied it with a certain ammount to get the next ammount of XP they needed. It helps the game to progress by itself

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I highly recommend you send this in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support. That should be the best place for this