Best way to load a player's character?

So I’m creating a global and server leaderboard, and I have those working, however I want to load a statue of the #1 player. I’ve tried many ways but the closest I’ve gotten is this:


As you can see some of the accessories are broken.

Here’s the code:

script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Podium.Part.SurfaceGui.Frame.Username.Text = name
				script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Podium.Part.SurfaceGui.Frame.Cash.Text = a(coins).." Cash"
				local id = dataStored.key
				local Models = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(id)
				Models.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Dummy
				for i,v in pairs(Models:GetChildren()) do
					v.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Dummy

Can anyone help?

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When u set their parent to dummy u are breaking the welds for the accesories. Instead set their cframe to the dummy

How should I write that? I’m not sure.

I’m pretty sure he means you need to set the CFrames of the Accessories to the dummy’s head, or something along the lines of that.

Try using a HumanoidDescription:

local hd = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(id)
hd:Destroy() -- cleanup

Shouldn’t need to adjust any CFrames here, the engine should attach the accessories automatically.


This has the same problem (30)

Nevermind, I just had a problem with my Dummy.

Thanks for the Help