Best way to make a 3DMG grappling line?

What i want to do is to make some 3DMG (3 dimensional movement gear), where you fire grapple hooks and emit gas to move around faster (Kinda like spiderman but with a gas boost and swords).

Rn, im using LineForces to make the grapple hooks, but I want to make the movement smooth like the gear in @Films AOT game:

Mine: (notice that mine bounced a bit)

I have tried BodyPositions and VectorForces, but they didnt really give the same “smoothness, if you know what i mean”

Link to @Films game: Downfall [Sandbox] - Roblox

Please help, last time that i tried this it flung me 43245.0323 studs away (not really, but it was a lot)

Place File (if you want it): odm.rbxl (586.6 KB)

Thx ahead of time


I would tween the character into position and handle the “look” of the grapple with a beam. Hope this can help:

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Im already using a beam for the grapple (when you fire it, and when the hook hits, it becomes a CylinderHandleAdornment)

I havent thought about Tweening tho
lemme try it

thats the same on that @DimbleGames put but thanks for your time tho

I used BodyVelocity for my 3DMG, you can try and use that.


Right now, im just using velocity (setting HRP rootpart velocity to lookvector/rightvector), and it looks fine ish. Ill try BodyVelocities tho


That’s similar to what I’ve done but instead of applying the velocity directly to the HRP, I used BodyVelocity in the HRP so I could edit more than just the velocity which is the MaxForce and P.

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yea, one problem with directly setting velocity is that you get this shakey thing when you grapple:

What I’ve done to counter that is just to change the velocity depending on proximity, which is why I made an animation play when you are stationary while grappled (to not make it look awkward)
I’ve never tried applying the velocity directly but if that works better, that should be good.


hmmm that looks cool (i hadnt noticed that when i played)

Ill try that too. Thanks for your help! :grinning:


No problem. If you need any help, feel free to dm me.
Good luck on your aot journey :+1:.

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