Best way to make a rotating door handle?

So I’m not too sure on this. For my door, what I’ve done is I made a part to be the hinge, and that part is anchored. All the door parts are welded to that hinge, so that I can use TweenService to animate the hinge and all the parts will follow.

However, if I were to make the door handle rotate as well separately, well I’m not sure how that’d work. If that handle was welded to the door which was already welded to the hinge, how could I have it so the handle rotates separately/independently? If you know what I mean

Thanks for any help

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You would need to weld the parts that rotate with the doorknob to the doorknob hinge. Then, you weld the hinge to the door hinge.

Afterwards, you would have to manipulate the doorknob’s weld to rotate the knob. The way to do this, however, changes depending on how you rotated your welds (so you may have to manipulate the x, y, or z angles or even possibly the position offset depending on a situation).

Here is an example place showcasing how I do it:
Doorknob.rbxl (30.3 KB)

If you have any questions then write a reply.


I’m also terrible at CFrame manipulation. The best thing I got is changing this line of code

{C0 = knobWeld.C0 * CFrame.fromOrientation(0, 0, math.rad(45))}

into this one

{C0 = knobWeld.C0 * knobWeld.C1:Inverse() * CFrame.fromOrientation(0, 0, math.rad(45))}

Or, switch around C0 with C1.
If the problem still persists, then you can maybe send the place file with the door (put it in an empty baseplate if you care about privacy).


Thanks for the help, this works great.

I just realized I was modifying the hinge’s weld instead of the actual weld in the handle that attached it to the hinge. Whoops.