Best way to make a Skip method from a running Intro function (Running thread)

As I made a post:
(Is there a way to stop a running function from another function? (Running thread))

I’m still confused about how to implement this to my current intro GUI. since Promise is new to my knowledge.

As the title says, are there different ways to make a skip intro?

I don’t how you can go about completely stopping a function. Though this hacky way I thought of may work:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local x = false; local Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	if not x then
		x = true
		--Do cutscene
		wait(6) --In the middle of something


Connection:Disconnect() --Skip

Nvm this doesn’t work as I intended.

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I think so too, but I’m asking if someone has an idea on how they make a skip method on their intros.

If it’s some sort of animation you can use Stop()
It really depends on what your intro actually is that I can help with various methods.

It’s not about animation. its more on running thread of function.

I guess… I’ll stick with my intro. and do some hacky way to stop it. like once a player already watched the intro I just gave them a BoolValue (DataStored) so they won’t get the long intro the next time they play. Anyways thanks.