Well I’m making a state game and obviously exploiters are gonna try ruin it such as tp around fly, etc in simple words they are gonna cause havoc and I want to battle it.
In my opinion the simplest way to make an anticheat is to make a loop that repeatedly logs players’ positions. Every time it loops it checks if the distance between the last position and the current position is too great, and if so, it teleports them back. For flying you can check if they’re in the air with raycasts, and for jumping you can check the delta between their last y position and their current y position.
I’ve made a decent anticheat using this method and a few others, but unfortunately it’s not published to roblox (and also in beta) so I cannot share it.
I’m more focused on just if it detects them flying it will just perm ban them even though there can be false positives we will easily know and thanks I will definitely do what you said
The one thing with perm banning is if a player has very bad ping or randomly loses inernet they will flag the anticheat. If you want the anticheat to ban players I strongly reccomend making it a temp ban (at least if they’ve never been banned before) and only banning after a lot of flags, not just one.
test for velocity base of position while keeping in mind latency. I wouldn’t outright ban them cause many games have done that and roblox characters tend to had this fling issue from time to time, and if it happens boom they’re banned, same with lagging. Rather just log it and keep a moderator eye on them. You can also go down a neural network route whether it be recurrent or reinforcement learning, depending on how you plan on training it. much more complicated though.