Best way to make anti-Animation Exploit?

As we all know, these Animation exploits run Roblox Animations in games, is there a setting that can disable this behavior, or a way to script this annoying exploit out?

It doesn’t harm the game, but I don’t like how that can be done. I’m scripting an anti-Exploit script.
(FE is on, but i’m talking about some client exploits)
(There is a post on this already, but it’s since '14)

I could include a BlackList of animation ID’s, but I’m trying to achieve something automatic.

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Instead of blacklisting have you tried whitelisting? (Not sure how you would accomplish that though)

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Which variation of said exploit?

Its an animation they run locally, but since animations replicate, it makes all players see it. (usually anims played at high speeds) (them play Roblox owned-animations.)

As @The_PieDude stated I would try and whitelist animations rather then blacklisting them!

You can check what animations are playing with the GetPlayingAnimationTracks function!