Best way to pick up and throw items/players

I have a pretty good idea as how to due to other forum posts, but I am wondering what the community thinks.

Currently I am going to be using a weld to player shoulder, However I don’t know how an animation would tie into that.

Anything would be greatly appreciated,

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I think the best way to pick up items is to make a tool, put a part named Handle inside that tool and put this tool in any position. So when a player walks up to it, they will auto pick it up. And when they want to drop it, press backspace.

I’m just a begineer scripted. Correct me if I’m wrong.

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That would work for parts, however I dont see how that would work for players.

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What do you mean? When a player goes to that part, it will pick it up

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I want another player to be able to throw a player.


You could try using a WeldConstraint, and attaching the other player, to the throwers arm or hand.

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Oh I see. I’ve seen Wen a good a game is concept this concept. Maybe try putting the player’s parts in workspaces into a tool and name one of Thebes body parts into handle? MAYbe that will work.


But concerning the throwing part, I think it needs like force to be able to throw the player.

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Your right, but if you wanna make it with animations and stuff you will probably not wants the default settings of tools in Roblox. Instead probably use motor6d and join it to the hand or shoulder.

But i don’t think this is what the Op wants, you can use welds to weld one player to another incase if picking up. And throwing if you want to leave And give a push to the player or something just use bodyVelocity on the player.

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How would I use an animation in that case.

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YEa, he can try my suggestion and see what happens happens.

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Nice idea, but Won’t that break the character model?

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I’m not sure I understood which players animation you are talking about. The one who grabbed or the grabbed person.

Either way I believe you make an invisible part inside the player, which is non Collidable and is attach to that player character with motor6D.


Both, I dont see how I can play an animation as the players position would not be the same.

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Oh you mean that. Set the animation priority to Action while you create it in the editor. As much as I know, it should still work though.

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I’m having an animation problem.
Priority is set to action, and set to loop. For some reason the players are just keep moving.

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Yeah about this, you should also adjust the weight on the animation track, seems like the walk/run animation is blending with the pick up animation a little too much.