Title explains itself pretty much but for more context.
Exploiters can change the humanoid.DisplayName property of others
obviously the changes will only appear on the client but it can still be used to frame other players which is a big issue. I have a few solutions in mind but I feel like there are better options out there.
Just check when a player joins the game, store their current display name in a local variable, and if it’s changed, set it to the variable. Make sure the script is in a normal script, inside of Workspace. Script if needed:
I didn’t realize before but that actually wont work.
that will only check for changes on the server when the issue is that exploiters are able to change it on the client.
It may work as a local script though.
Edit: It wont work as a local script as exploiters can mess with those too.
Well if an exploiter changes it on their client they can use it to frame other players by recording.
Example would be:
2 exploiters named Bob and Jim hate an innocent player named Ronald
Bob decides to change Jim’s Display Name to look like Ronald’s
Jim then starts exploiting and Bob starts recording.
Innocent Ronald is now banned as a video has surfaced of him exploiting, but it was not him.
There is no way to prevent the client from changing display names, even if you did have a localscript to check for the change, exploiters can just delete the localscript if they wanted to.
I’m not sure if this will work 100% of the time, but Try creating a report system in game that submits a chat log of players to something like discord, then require players to say in the video description the time that they reported someone, and reference the chat log with the video. If the chat log and what the player says in the video don’t add up, then you know who to ban.
Yikes. I mean surely there has to be some type of workaround for exploiters framing other players.
if there wasn’t I feel like it would be very much abused in a lot of big games.
The best solution is to probably just have stricter exploiter report requirements, such as needing to show the player’s name on the leaderboard/playerlist
you can probably also make a trust system, whenever someone does something suspicious (walkspeed, noclip, etc) you can mark them, and if you also happen to receive reports on that player then you can be pretty sure that they are exploiting.
Well, you can narrow down the exploiters to just PC players. And a leave and join log would be useful, or you could require more than one account of the exploit before banning someone, just don’t tell them that it requires two different accounts with different videos. But honestly, its not all that common framing other people for exploiters.