Best way to prevent players from moving around NPCs

Problem : I need to un-anchor everything inside the NPC to make it move during cutscenes.
But because of this, the players can easily move the NPC around which I don’t want to happen.

I have thought about adding invisible walls, but then I would have to add walls even around the path the NPC will walk, this will be a lot of invisible barriers and it will get annoying.

What to do?

Cant you just anchor the local player during the cut scene?

You mean anchor all the players? It is supposed to be a story game, which means the NPC will be near the players most of the time, not just during a cutscene.

The two options I can think off of the top of my head are either making a collision group for NPCs and Players, in which they cant collide with players, Or just increase the NPC’s parts’ density to an absurd amount so theyre too heavy to push.


The density bit worked! Thanks.

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