Best way to render a large image behind parts?

I’m making a space game, and it has planets that you can see and travel to, and currently those are large parts with a decal on them that has the planet image. That isn’t the best solution, as it stutters and lags whenever in view. I’ve also tried a surfaceGUI with an image, but that suffers from the same issue, however it’s more pronounced.

this is the effect I’m looking for:

How would I make something that hides behind parts like a part with a decal/SurfaceGUI on a part does, but also performs well?

Sorry to be a bother, but can I see a gif of the stuttering to better understand what problem you are having?

Here you go, microprofiler shows it.

Hm, what you could do is have the decal added locally, and have a lower quality version at higher distances, and a higher quality version at closer distances.

The current image is only 225x225 and 81kb. I can try and reduce that more, but I don’t want quality to be impacted too much.

after some testing, I found the lag issue was loading the large (1000x1000) part into view.