Quick question
What’s the most efficient way to round a number to the nearest 10?
For example
25 —> 30
41 —> 40
Quick question
What’s the most efficient way to round a number to the nearest 10?
For example
25 —> 30
41 —> 40
function round10(num)
return math.floor(num / 10 + 0.5) * 10
That seems pretty calculation heavy, is there any more efficient solution?
I was about to suggest the same; there isn’t a better solution afaik.
I believe that is the best-known method of rounding in most languages. Multiplication and division have slightly higher runtime complexity than addition but it wouldn’t be big enough to significantly affect your game’s performance.
Yes, there is. If you’re willing to have it round down:
local function down(x, n)
-- x is the number to round, n is what it rounds to the nearest multiple of (so 10)
return x - x % (n or 1)
local function down(x,n)
local x = x + (0.5 * n)
return x - x % (n or 1)
This avoids the function overhead of calling math.floor
Keep in mind the difference is negligible, so you should do whichever solution you think is cleaner. Here’s a benchmark that does ten million repetitions of each function:
… and this modulo-based function only beats it by .007 seconds. Really irrelevant in the long run.
Edit: After hard-coding the fact it’s rounded to the nearest tenth, you see a slightly larger gap, but it could just be noise.
x = x + 5
return x - x % 10
Still not even a hundredth of a second, though, (unless I cherrypick the benchmarks ):
Can’t be wasting those milliseconds