Best way to save a skill tree?

I’m making a one piece game and I want to save the character’s skill trees. How would I go about doing this? I have multiple skill trees, for example: Melee, haki, devilfruit, etc.

The devilfruit skill tree would need to be different for every devilfruit. I’m not sure how I would save this information. Is it possible to save models? I was thinking of trying to save the skill tree model but I’m not sure if that would work well.

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Watch some tutorials about DataStore

The problem is I don’t know what to save. Whether I should save every move or if it’s possible save the tree itself.

Well u cant save models. You need to have something known as Datastore set up in the game as said by @Super_pro322222.

Some article(s) that might help.

Save them like this, i dont watch anime so change it to whatever it should be.

local SkillTree = {
	Skill1 = {
		Name = "Skill1";
		Level = 1; --and continue on, add items to the table by looping through where you save the skill tree

I don’t really have specific experience with skill trees but what I think I would do is to save the names or ids or whatever of the skills and then just load the skill tree and models when the player joins.

I didn’t think of using tables. This is what I’ve been looking for, thanks!

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