Best way to stop flinging/spinning exploit?

I’m trying to find the best way to detect and stop players from using spinning exploits to fling other players? Preferably without having to disable character can-collide. Most suggestions I’ve seen around have been client side detection but, the exploiter could just delete the local script.

I have an example video for what I’m trying to stop.

I’ve never really thought about it, but couldn’t you do some sort of easing on the shift lock and first person orientation.

That’s client side, the exploit could just get around that, and I don’t think their even using shiftlock to spin in the first place. The detection system needs to be server side.

If you don’t need the ragdoll state in your game you could disable that as well. That is the main reason your character loses control anyway. Not a full fix but it would make it better.

You could perhaps detect the angular velocity on the server of the characters torso and then if it’s too high, murder them. I wouldn’t recommend kicking/banning as it could be false if a glitch happens, but if a glitch makes you spin that fast you’re probably dead either way.