Best way to store large amounts of word data?


I am currently trying to make a typing-based game similar to ztype.

Initially I was using a random-word API to get words for the enemies, but I wanted to try a method that works within ROBLOX.

I got a dataset online that contain 470k+ words (dwyl-words github) and separated it into modulescripts of 1 character words - 20 character words. Is there a more efficient way to this?

Main concern with using API is rate limits & my game breaks if it’s down.

Also, due to the nature of the dataset- there are some profanity. I’ve removed the obvious ones but would take hours to remove ALL. I’m thinking of:

  • When a player fetches an “unsafe” word then
  • Fetch another word until it’s “safe” (50 retries); if that fails
  • Use the word “apples” as a fallback.

Is there also a better way of going about the profanity filter to abide by ROBLOX TOS?

Not asking for exact odes, but just the way I should go approaching these problems before I start. Thanks!


Im not sure about the 470k+ words, but I’m certain that you can use TextService’s FilterStringAsync function to filter text, here’s the link: TextService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


Thank you :slight_smile: this is probably the way I’m going to go to around the profanity issue.

well, you can to my knowledge sort of “pre-run” the words through the filter via studio, i’ve done it myself some time ago. that should leave you with a set of words that completely abides by the roblox filter

How were you able to achieve this if you don’t mind me asking?

i’ve just run every single word through :FilterStringAsync() and just kept caching them in a seperate table.

I’m not sure if roblox will rate limit you for that nowadays, but i’ve also “only” run a couple thousand words through it

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