Best way to weld via client without using weld constraints?

I have been trying to weld a motor in place to prevent it from rotating, but i cant find any way to weld it inplace without issues.

The weldconstraint causes massive lagspikes and the other welds cause the parts to weld on the server its position.

What is the best way to weld the motor in place to prevent it from rotating via the client side?

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I’m not really sure what you mean here.

Stop what rotating? The motor itself doesn’t rotate. The parts?

If you’re trying to stop a specific part from moving, don’t weld it, simply anchor it. Aside from that, I’m going to need some extra explanation.

I believe he’s trying to make an unanchored object with motors that are ‘locked in place’, so they don’t move again while the entire object is still unanchored.

There’s a script in the Toolbox from @Crazyman32 that autowelds parts. Usually I put the script in a model, and anchor the model. It will create welds for it, and unanchor the model. You can either copy and paste the welded model in, or keep it like it is (generate the weld on spawn).

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