Best ways to promote a roblox game?

Hello, I made a horror game, and I’m trying to promote it. I’ve tried advertising on Roblox but it’s not getting the attention I wanted. If any of you know good ways to advertise a Roblox game whether it’s on the website or not I will greatly appreciate it.


I would recommend running skyscraper ads around 20-30k for maximum results for a new game. If you’re newer to game dev or a group place in general and not sure if it’s the most high quality game around, you may want to try less then 10k. Sponsoring is another option, but I have never really messed with it.


If there is a youtuber or streamer you watch then you can try to get them to play it.

If you run enough ads Roblox tends to recommend your game to users, allowing for 5-15 concurrent users without additional ads


sponsoring is so bad i have tried it before


I would say

  1. try to find small streamers, get well known in there community so they can play your game and give criticism on what to add and how to fix it
  2. try to build up a good reputation on social media so more people know you which could lead to people playing your games to support you.