Best ways to stop people leaking your game client side

Not possible considering Scripts aren’t replicated to the client and as such don’t show up in decompilation. Also, anyone stealing the place is probably also capable of either figuring that out themselves or sending it off to someone who will.


How do you know if it’s called this? Is this just guesswork or is that the specific string that “exploit output” has? I’m sure each exploit would have a different name for their output, no?

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That’s exactly the point - without that Script performing the removal, those annoying instances will remain :slight_smile:

I appreciate that people have vast resources to deconstruct and mess with these kinds of annoyances – this is certainly not an ideal solution, but it is one nonetheless if you don’t mind the additional memory it requires.


Probably just manually inserting the annoyances into the parts you want them in, and then a Script checks the game owner’s UserId against a value that would be set to yours. If the IDs match, take all the annoyances and delete them using a loop.

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Neither the script nor the instances (because they would’ve already been removed by the script) will be present in the stolen place file. It’s only a detriment to the developer.


:man_facepalming: Walked right into that one. Thank you.

Local scripts do get replicated. So I can see if the dev added some game breaking stuff on that end, it could make the game near unplayable for someone not experienced in coding.

Just don’t have stuff on the client that would be better off on the server. I have heard tracking memory usage is unreliable because of false postives but I do not know much of the details on that. If an exploiter downloads the client side of your game, first of all the game mechanics wouldn’t work mostly because the server would not get downloaded. I guess they could takes the builds for themselves, but best thing to do is probably contact Roblox at that point.

In the past I have criticized people for even having client side anti cheat at all, but have since decided there is nothing wrong with having some as long as it doesn’t take away from player experience. For my game it is also built into the code a bit instead of a standalone script. But back to the main topic the best way is to contact Roblox I would assume.


Yeah, I definitely agree. Though it is useful to have at least some protection just to protect your models!

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hmm, thanks for the info!
ill make sure to make such great use with it!

like a lot lol anyways thanks!

My favorite method that you provided was the second one. At this point I have such an obsession for stopping exploiters that I have a cooldown on a tip system.

Let me rephrase that.

The loading screen tips in my game have a cooldown and it would take over 30 minutes for you to compile them all.

I’m not okay.

There is no point in doing this. Any half-decent exploiter will understand what’s going on since they could easily track hierarchical changes. It doesn’t lag your game any more than more common methods. The amount of information sent when replicating newly created instances is minimal compared to the stuff most games send through remotes. Clients download assets from servers that are separate from the ones running your games.

All you are doing with this is prevent people with slow computers/connection from playing your game. This can be easily countered on any machine with 512MB of RAM and a Pentium 4 by saving the place as an XML file and deleting those parts in Notepad. The actual bottleneck mostly comes from explorer trying to display all of the instances.

The points of my methods is not to stop all exploiters from leaking your game. It’s there to raise the bar of skill level which exploiters have to be at to be able to leak it.

The vast majority of exploiters cannot code themselves, nor do they understand server/ client interactions. They just download a free exploit and use an injector to get into your game and download what they can.

Therefore, our job as game owners is just to be able to stop the lowest tier of hackers since those are the majority.

Just like how a trained professional assassin is able to get into your house no matter what you do. But you could still buy a lock on the front door to stop 99% of randoms coming in.

All of these methods are very basic and would require 30 minutes for a skilled exploiter or a few hours for a beginner to counter. The only reliable way of handling this issue is by offloading as much logic to the server, leaving only basic checks and performance demanding stuff to the client.

What you don’t understand is that anyone who wants to make a name for themselves will take this on. It doesn’t matter if your game is hard or easy to reverse-engineer, it will appear on that red site in a few months if anyone is interested. Once that happens, everyone else will be able to download the complete version, no matter how skillful they are.

I haven’t got to the point of being that famous yet to be competing with the best and most skilled exploiters. XD

Since I run community games, the most we’ve had to deal with are a few trolls with free downloaded exploit. And so far, these methods described above are working.

Again, the door lock illustration. There are definitely going to be the best lock pickers out there who can get into your house. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a padlock at your door just to stop the lesser skilled majority.

It also doesn’t mean you need 5 digital num locks, 10 fingerprint scanners, 2 retinal scanners, 10 cylindrical locks and a corkscrew padlock. The methods above will slow down development in many situations, especially the one with the excessive parts. Some of your co-devs might not be able to open the game on their laptop/tablet. Maintain a good client-server barrier and keep watch for stolen assets in other games and you should mostly be good.

Since we can’t do anything to stop people leaking your game client side, why not focus on after they leak their stolen games, like just contacting roblox and say “hey roblox some dude stole my game take it down or whatever”, and even then, majority of the hackers don’t even understand enough coding to replicate server-sided action in the original game

But for people who make showcases and even making good builds. It’s so easy for someone to steal your map that you’ve poured your heart and soul into, only for them to sell it to some unknowing client for cash.

Anyone have a current summary on what they are doing to at least just slow down the leak?

Probably someone already ranted about this, but this is clearly false. Please do not imply that the DMCA cost money. Whether it’s difficult or not, that’s subjective, but it primarily consists of filling in one form/email (and using common sense).

Indeed, you submit a legal document under penalty of perjury, but that doesn’t require a lawyer. The following information is requested:

You must provide the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):

  1. An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other right being infringed;
  2. A description of the copyright-protected work or other intellectual property right that you claim has been infringed;
  3. A description of the material that you claim is infringing and where it is located;
  4. Your address, telephone number, and email address;
  5. A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the use of those materials is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
  6. A statement by you that the above information in your notice is accurate and that, under penalty of perjury, you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf.

Even members on the DevForum have written posts about how to file a claim. Your post had some nice tips, but your last statement ruins it.

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