Best ways to stop people leaking your game client side

You can file a DMCA request for stolen assets, but there’s not much else you can do.

A client side script should only be handling client logic, but your core gameplay and security should always be handled by the server itself, which exploiters have no access to. Your client scripts are (almost) useless without the server counterpart.

I can’t say this is actually any concern of mine. I take security and privacy seriously, and if someone did decide to copy my game’s map, I’d have to take it as a compliment that I’ve done a good job.


Yeah, I think if they don’t know something, a better way would be to either ask them, or go to Roblox Dev Forum or Scripting helpers rather than go to the lengths of stealing a game. Just saying

People steal your models just so they could sell it to others on places like hidden developers or Group Recruiting Plaza.

If they don’t publish it themselves, it’s impossible for you to find the link in which to file a dmca/ contact Roblox with.

Although it’s not really a problem for majority of devs, this post here is to give some ideas for people who wish to hinder any exploiters trying to steal their game.

But I agree, if they do steal your game and start using it, filing dmca/ contacting Roblox is the way to go!

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How do private modules help? If you have a regular module in ServerStorage then it can’t be stolen. If it has to be used by the client, then it can’t be a private module.


Thanks man! Now I know how some games troll people who steal their game!
I got some ideas…

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I wouldn’t recommend any of these tactics aside from contacting Roblox support and filing a dmca (the dmca shouldn’t be used very often as it costs money)

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Filing DMCAs are good, but you should always have a Plan B in case something happens. Making a stolen game unplayable is one. Also, you’re not always able to find some stolen games, but filing a DMCA will definitely be on my list of actions if I find a stolen copy of my group’s game.

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Lol glad you liked it.

Though I have to caveat that all my points can only act as a hurdle to low quality exploiters who just bought some code off the internet. Experienced hackers will be able to by pass most of my points. Though that doesn’t mean devs shouldn’t have some fun trolling the people who troll them :wink:

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I agree, I meant that you should contact Roblox support before you proceed with anything legal

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If having the client aspect of your game stolen/leaked is a concern, you’re doing something wrong by design.

If having the client aspect of your game stolen/leaked is a concern, you’re doing something wrong by design.

No matter how good you are at programming, exploiters will always be able to find a way to steal anything you put on client side.

I have a question. What if you opened up a starter game and it teleported you to the main place, which is private? Would that work?

No, they would still be able to steal it, since when the exploiter joins that private place game. They will have access to all the client stuff. Since the server gives them everything inside the workspace and rep storage so they could run the game smoother client side.

Which is exactly why I said it shouldn’t be a concern for you… and if it is, then you’re doing something wrong by design.

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People are able to steal everything. Even assets from triple A games and market as their own. Usually, the better quality thing you make, the more someone wants to steal it. There is nothing you can do to stop people stealing models from you, and then reselling it elsewhere to make a profit. Or taking a map you’ve made, and turning it into a freemodel to discredit your work. None of these are currently preventable, no matter how good of a game designer you are.

I haven’t disagreed with this at all. Care to explain what you’re trying to say?

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I’m not trying to disagree either, just reiterating a point about reasons why exploiters steal games. And how it is impossible to stop them. Your above points are valid, and I agree that you should have unique designs too. But my point is mainly for others who want further information!

Perhaps adding some fairly annoying LocalScripts, Fire/Smoke objects, etc. to certain areas of the game, and having a Script (not a LocalScript) remove those instances upon determining that the game is an authentic copy. This would make the full map unplayable, but doesn’t do that much to stop people from picking off individual models.

I won’t reiterate the constant comments about “you shouldn’t be worried about client-side leaks”, but it’s worth remembering that you should be storing all of the really important game logic on the server. Make use of ServerStorage too – it exists for a reason.


Is that possible? How would you do that?

I don’t mean that you should have unique designs. I mean that you should design your game in a fashion that having your client stolen isn’t a problem. This means designing your game with security in mind. Asset stealing for the sake of using the assets is a whole other issue, but I was focusing on security as a lot of people seem to worry about that.