Best Western Hotels Staff Rules

Best Western Staff Rules

  1. While grammar is not required, we highly recommend it to be used at all times.

  2. You should always be respectful and we have a right to terminate you if you do not meet BW standards.

  3. Promotions are earned, not asked for.

  4. Receptionists are the only ones to give rooms out to the guests.

  5. Receptionists can work other stations if reception is full.

  6. Suites should only be given to guests in the white lane.

Admin Rules

  1. Do not use M or N excessively, only use it when necessary. Instead, use :notify admins or :pm admins for the most efficient communication.

  2. Do not TP to or bring an HR unless it is absolutely necessary.

  3. Admin abuse (using commands without permission & trolling), will result in a termination. If it is an accidental mistake, you will be given a strike. Three strikes and you are out of the staff team.


If you want to be promoted, we recommend you continue to work hard and try your best. If we see you consistently working hard, we will promote you up to the next rank. But do not ask, as it will ruin all chances, regardless of how hard you’ve worked.