Best Western Hotels Training Guide

While we encourage everyone to make their own training guides, we also offer this training guide for everybody to use.

4 | Catering Staff:

Catering Staff are responsible for providing any snacks, food, or room service to our customers. We offer milkshakes, which can be made by going to the ice cream dishes, putting the cup up to them, and then going to the milk, and then going to the blender. We also offer sodas/fountain drinks which you will just grab a cup for and then go up to the necessary machinery. We also offered bottled water which can be found in the fridge. For room service, there is a phone and to answer, you will click on it when it starts ringing. They will then send their order, and you may deliver it to their room.

5 | Security Guard:

Security guards are responsible for keeping the hotel safe. We operate on a three warning system. After three warnings, you should notify management via the group wall or in-game about the situation. We do not give warnings to exploiters. You should immediately notify an MR/HR to remove the person from the hotel. You should always be respectful to everyone, even if they are a troller or are acting disrespectfully to you.

6 | Housekeeper:

As a Housekeeper, you are in charge of providing information and cleaning rooms. You may also need to give the guests towels at times too. You should always ensure your utmost best respect as you represent a part of Best Western’s Customer Services.

7 | Receptionist:

As a receptionist, you are responsible for checking guests in. To start, you will click on the computer screen. Then you will type in the person’s username and select their room type. If they are in the golden lane, they are to be booked a suite room and should be served first. You will then select what room to book them into. Always ensure every customer feels welcomed at all times. To check somebody out, you will go to the other section and type in their username and then they will be checked out.