Anyway – with no disrespect to anyone specifically, just the feature – this is overall not a good thing to be made public and a complete disrespect to 3d modelers in my opinion. Resources should’ve been used elsewhere given the engine’s current state. You (Roblox as a whole) should be encouraging people to create things for themselves instead of generating AI slop and slapping “game asset” onto it. At the end of the day, who is even benefitting from this? AI is not the answer to everything. Certainly not for game assets.
This is probably where half of the Roblox budget is being spent. Instead of giving us useful features that have we been long waiting for. Such as the comment above
Instead, you’re going to give us some AI tool That may or may not rip the company apart
Aight I just got some questions:
Why is roblox suddenly obfuscating the ID verification part?
Are they aware of the complaints and just trying to hide mentions of it now?
In the past, im pretty sure they have always declared that somewhere on the update post
Why is roblox not optimizing and further improving their platform? Stuff like the forced TextChatService still run like trash, just casually eating up performance
And how can roblox afford to run all this AI stuff? Aren’t they just going to lose even more money from this?
yeah i do mean the lack of clarification for that first one
but like why can’t someone just forcefully motivate that other team into improving the platform, stopping the performance leaks that they themselves forced onto us, and just fix the platform into being semi reliable for once?
Did you even look at his post, with all due respect such topology should never be used in any projects, it would only set you up for unoptimized failure, especially those who don’t know what they’re doing.
As previously mentioned it encourages taking the easiest laziest route instead of properly learning the basics to get better results, it removes incentive to learn the bare minimum, following this route you will rarely ever find any success and sooner or later you’ll need to learn the basics of these skills regardless, all this does is prolong that realization process for new developers
With all due respect, it’s my opinion, of course it’s going to be biased. Inexperienced individuals have online resources to become experienced. I won’t be responding further
On the topic of TextChatService, that’s the ‘Roblox Chat Team’ as stated by one of their announcements. @be_nj hasn’t responded to feature requests, but has quite a bit on bug reports like this: (so they’re working on it.)
If you have a particular thing you think Roblox should be “optimizing and further improving”, I could also look into that. I assume more staff read what we say than we think. They just don’t usually respond.
I do think this feature will be good for some people, or people who just want to mess around with it. But i wouldve rather you guys put more time into other parts of the site instead of this. It’s not the worst thing ever, but it just feels unnecessary right now.