[Beta] Cube 3D Generation Tools and APIs for Creators

This is amazing! I am so excited for the next APIs!

Seems fun. I donā€™t really look at this as a serious competitor to 3D artists but I also donā€™t think it has to be. If you wanted perfection or high quality then itā€™s always best to do it yourself, but tools like this which depend on a specially trained system are solid resources for indie developers on a low budget and cannot afford to hire a 3D artist for a few meshes, or for novice developers who donā€™t have the expertise, or developers that do not have the time to invest into learning another area of development.

Logically thereā€™s not a lot of reason - potential IP infringement aside - to hate on this. Itā€™s free to access, free to use commercially, doesnā€™t require a lot of time investment on your part, and itā€™s open source which allows other parties to reuse or even contribute to the tool.

seems not really accurate, my first prompt was ā€œbugatti bolideā€ and it gave me a chiron and my second prompt was ā€œkoenigsegg jesko absolutā€ and it gave me the body of a chiron with a cursed texture

I appreciate the transparent sourcing of training data, but itā€™s hard to see how this technology wonā€™t be detrimental to the platform in the long run. The stated goal is to achieve full-scene generation with interactive, high-fidelity elements. My fear is that young creators will increasingly rely on this to interpret their creative vision and orchestrate their ideas.

I see this as a transition to passive creation, where individual style falls by the wayside. When you start from a functionally complete output, youā€™re faced with fewer decisions and opportunities to learn & grow. Iā€™d argue that itā€™s much better to encounter ambiguities in the creative process because it leads you to make meaningful and deliberate iterations.


Finally. No more spending money hiring 3d artists who take 2 weeks making a project when I can just generate it within seconds.

Taylor Swift.

For some reason she has a beard.

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The models arenā€™t ā€œprofessional quality,ā€ but, most developers and players wonā€™t care.

Iā€™m just afraid that the generated assets will be considered ā€œgood enoughā€ by many developers and theyā€™ll move on to the rest of their experience without bothering to consult a human for cleanup. There are a lot of funny generations being posted in the replies, but Iā€™m sure that with some phrase tweaking and patience, you can get something usable.

A much more succinct way to put it, yes.

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I love this tech but please please please, make AI assisted creation on the studio side first class!

Every single new AI feature on Roblox is a complete start to finish black box with any sort of mid-phase user control bolted on as an afterthought, if it exists at all.

We are developers. None of this AI tech works for us for real game dev applications right out of an untunable black box. Every step of the generation process should be available for us to export and tweak and re-inject back into the generation pipeline. These textures are often simply atrocious, but thereā€™s no first class way for us export them and adjust them. Thereā€™s even PBR generation in there somewhere, but this is not accessible to us! There are intermediate images or preview/seed images generated for some things in Robloxā€™s AI pipelines, but thereā€™s no way for us to use our own, or modify what Roblox generates to correct errors. This makes all of this tech unusably rigid and frustrating to use.

AI assisted creation is the future of game dev moreso than entirely AI generated creation. With this model, Roblox has enough of a portfolio of AI tech to satisfy. Letā€™s aim some of these engineers at making these demo technologies actually useful for gamedev.


Person at the beach.


100% agree, it will become an unused tool because as of now the models it produces are clearly AI-made, which players donā€™t really like, and it doesnā€™t have the ā€œcartoonyā€ high contrast aesthetic that would bring players that donā€™t mind AI either.

I wonder when will focusing on AI backfire to all of the companies that try to push it as hard as they can just because it has ā€œAIā€ā€™ in it.

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A duck on wheels
a bat drinking cola
a zombie with bat wings
an icecream pizza
an ice cream gun
a glass spaceship
a cat eating a burger (lol)
a chicken eating a pizza

this is a great tool when given reasonable prompts


this ai is so cursed :sob:


Roblox do you know that amount of editable meshes are limited to 7?

I prompted it with ā€œsteakā€.



Aw man, Iā€™ve just been learning 3D modeling for over 5 years and Iā€™m already being replaced!

The robots are taking over!!!

Hah, just kidding, I actually think this is super cool.
The amount of work and steps taken behind this is quite impressive.

They even went so far as to create a copyright detector AND open-source this AI model?
I can respect that.

Can I train this thing with my own data to improve the overall generation quality for all the people that use it?
I donā€™t intend to use it because I loooove 3D modeling things myself, but I like helping out where I can.
Lowkey feeling a bit honored when something I create is deemed high quality enough that people want to use it.

Neat stuff!

Please donā€™t make more sloppy simulator games, I want to see some cool things being made with this.


Great tool!


After so long i finally learned how to use blender so i can make Meshes and Models for my game, and now after all this time, i didnt need to learn this!! thanks to AI, it can make models FOR ME!!!

ok no, sorryā€¦ i just dont know about thisā€¦ Even though AI can do alot, dosnt mean it has to be used. I dont want to see a game where its full of this stuff. Im starting to feel like Roblox is slowly turning into an AI Platform with many features on Roblox Studio that uses AI. Whats nextā€¦ put some text in a box to create AI VFX in Studioā€¦? or maybe Animationsā€¦? I see alot of ā€œPowering with AIā€ā€¦ no Imaginationā€¦

Im not saying that AI shouldnt be used at all, but 3D models? im sorry but thats a noā€¦

Another example of sloppy AI moderation


Thereā€™s a reason for AI generated imagery to look like that.

AI generates images by utilizing noise, which is often a image that contains an even amount of dark and bright colors.

Because of the sharp contrast between dark and bright, all textures generated with AI will also have this property which can result in deep-fried or oversaturated imagery with very sharp or otherwise weird-looking colors.

It is something almost every AI has and it is extremely hard to get around which is why all images need to be edited.

If you inspect individual noise channels on a AI generated image (red, green, blue) you will also notice weird compression artifacts that are even present in black and white images and noise patterns looking consistent across all color channels.

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