[Beta] Cube 3D Generation Tools and APIs for Creators

WDYM by this? Are you asking why it wasn’t clarified in the post? If so, beats me.


Doubt it, it’s already far too late.

As @Reditect mentioned, probably just different teams.

good question actually :thinking:

yeah i do mean the lack of clarification for that first one

but like why can’t someone just forcefully motivate that other team into improving the platform, stopping the performance leaks that they themselves forced onto us, and just fix the platform into being semi reliable for once?

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Did you even look at his post, with all due respect such topology should never be used in any projects, it would only set you up for unoptimized failure, especially those who don’t know what they’re doing.
As previously mentioned it encourages taking the easiest laziest route instead of properly learning the basics to get better results, it removes incentive to learn the bare minimum, following this route you will rarely ever find any success and sooner or later you’ll need to learn the basics of these skills regardless, all this does is prolong that realization process for new developers


i swear the ai is going to misread one of my prompts and get my account deleted…
no thank you.


With all due respect, it’s my opinion, of course it’s going to be biased. Inexperienced individuals have online resources to become experienced. I won’t be responding further :slightly_smiling_face:

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On the topic of TextChatService, that’s the ‘Roblox Chat Team’ as stated by one of their announcements. @be_nj hasn’t responded to feature requests, but has quite a bit on bug reports like this: (so they’re working on it.)

If you have a particular thing you think Roblox should be “optimizing and further improving”, I could also look into that. I assume more staff read what we say than we think. They just don’t usually respond.

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I tested the AI out and it’s not the best. It will take years of training the ai for it to improve.

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I do think this feature will be good for some people, or people who just want to mess around with it. But i wouldve rather you guys put more time into other parts of the site instead of this. It’s not the worst thing ever, but it just feels unnecessary right now.

i take it back. use all your resources on this actually


This is the beginning of the end for 3d artists. We all thought AI wasn’t going to replace us. Look what’s happening!!!

It’s unlikely that it will takeover 3d artists jobs currently, but it might in the near future.

Prompt: Roblox

They tried making of Roblox r6 character (It looks exactly like a r6 model), but the Roblox characters texture was moderated. We will never know what roblox avatar looked like lol


Some engineering directors at Roblox -and the CEO- are optimistic and think it won’t outright replace game devs: (I set it to the timestamp)

I’m not so optimistic.


I mean it kind of looks like a Toyota?

Prompt: “Realistic, Blue, Toyota Camry Sedan”


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Looks more like a Bloxda to me.

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Remember what happened with image creation. It was crap at the start, but drastically improved in 2 years. The same thing that happened to image creation will likely happen to the 3d ai creation system.

3D artists are safe for now but not so sure in the next 2 years.

Prompt: Create nightmare fuel

It did a ok job, would scare anyone below the age of 5 years old if animated

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that topology is HORRENDOUS
i have my fair share of messed up things i did blender, but this takes the cake

i wonder how these ai generated models would work with rigging


Roblox reminds me of myself when I don’t take my ADHD meds. An unorganized mess, starting new project when I have 100 unfinished ones. What happened to Clouds Phase 3 (It’s been four years)? What about terrain decoration painting (6 years)?

Like I see you guys are trying to stay ahead of the game with AI, but can you also work on some of the many features that you promised or some of the tools in studio that are easily out of date by 10 years? It took you guys 4/5 years to give us the ability to change the length of grass globally.


That’s good visually (maybe not polycount or topology-wise). I’m sure the generative AI here will get better, to clarify I’m not arguing the contrary. I’m saying game developers are going to be out of a job in some instances. Why hire me when you can get an AI to do it for you?

Quality, performance? Maybe now, but that argument will likely go away with time. We as humans would need to value human creation over efficiency and individual personal control. I fear society will not value humanity in things before it’s too late to be effective. Weird to say it now, but it sounds like there’s a market for AI-created games out there. Will both human-made and AI-made games be able to co-exist? We’ll have to wait and see.