This is all I want to know. Why was all the feedback given over all the recent announcements just discarded without any mention???
While I’m not against AI being used as a tool to speed up minimal processes in your workflow, the way this is promoted incentivizes the idea that you don’t need proficiency or even an attempt at certain skills to make a complete game, even if it isn’t the initial goal, it undoubtedly will end up promoting laziness
this is what the engineers have been doing instead of adding texture filtering to meshparts, want pixelated meshparts? TOO BAD. WELCOME OUR 9999TH NEW AI TOOL THAT NEEDS UR ID FOR GOD’S SAKE!
I’d love to like a new Studio addition. I really, really don’t like this. It sucks the creativity and process out of making something, and eliminates hard work in turn for a quick and dirty result and eliminates another step in learning something along the way. It’s promoting laziness and eliminating creativity and boiling it down to a text prompt.
What ROBLOX needs is more things curated to modern technologies that aren’t AI. Something new for people to play with that isn’t hinging on AI technology barely presentable in its current state from how early on it is. No AI. No prompts. Look at other game engines, other games, anything. Shaders, visual effects, filters, just something new to play with.
Texture artists and 3D modellers have been begging for base features to be incorporated into existing technology to no avail, leading to dozens of workarounds for features like EmissiveMaps and transparent MaterialVariants. The overhauls to ParticleSystems and more additions to SurfaceAppearance tinting was a step in the right direction, giving more tools to artists to figure out how to use them and translate their ideas into ROBLOX more seamlessly, even small.
People aren’t going to use this as concepting, and will only be using this to fill in for real skill using Blender, for example. There’s hundreds of free tools and tutorials showing you complex and simple ways to work around not having money or little knowledge of a program. Please promote creativity instead of a means to an end.
I sound like a broken record for these things, but my frustrations stem deep into the program. I’m for innovation. Not for AI generation.
If this unironically requires an ID im gonna crash out right here on the spot
so weird and strict… Mesh Texture Pixel Art
cant have a good pixel gun remake on roblox so might aswell make the 9999th ai feature
That’s my biggest worry.
If the AI makes something tos violating, are we blamed for that?
Fun fact: It does. Look at my older reply:
That was so obvious…
I feel like the only games that will make any real use of this are the ones that were already low effort cash grab slop that were already using AI “art” in their dev product popups
Though I’m biased against gen AI stuff so ig that’s just me
Nobody is going to remember this thing exists in a week, we have bigger issues with ID verification. This is not one of them.
no clue why it marked my previous post as a reply, probably was gonna say somthing else to the person i replied to and forgot
anyways, don’t think that’s how a hand works…
I am mourning the tens upon tens of thousands of engineering hours that were completely wasted on designing and creating this thing when those hours could have been spent on literally anything useful.
Think of all the awesome anything we could have gotten in its place. Think of all the anything.
super good point here, texture interpolation is really needed in this environment where Roblox automatically compresses any textures it has funnels into it alongside the fact it mutilates any pixel art at a higher resolution when it could just be fixed with a button
Who locks a feature meant to help a mass amount of developers behind an ID? I wasn’t even gonna comment because I would probably actually use this feature once in a while, but there always has to be a dumb as hell ID block for every feature that’s useful to developers.
What encourages you to spend time making ts??? I could probably go online right now and search “mesh generator free” and do the same damn thing. All you’re doing with this is inconveniencing developers that want to use this directly from studio while simultaneously limiting who can even use the feature significantly. Waste of resources.
What even is your goal? What are you trying to gain from creating this? More people who verify using their ID? I don’t even expect a response at this point with how the recent announcements have been going but this feature 100% does not need to be locked behind an ID.
Bringing Studio and the client to Linux is a waste of time and resources but this isn’t
You honestly don’t even need to spend 10 seconds on the UGC Accessories tab before finding a rug with a woman wearing a shirt with her breasts showing. No like really you can quite literally just go on accessories and see. THIS was approved by moderation. There’s no way something like this could even be bypassed when the thumbnail LITERALLY shows it. (This is censored by the way). Just goes to show how bad UGC moderation really is yet they’re over here spending their time creating AI generation.
no admin will answer the prayer of having texture filtering so have fun asking for it btw