the moderation seems to be a bit goofy? I was testing out generating animals and noticed they were at 10K triangles minimum so I wanted to get it to make a low poly and apparently that is against .
Turns out doing “/generate pig” fails but doing “/generate a pig” works fine.
This seems to have gone crazy now I can hardly generate anything without it saying it is a violation
I’ll be very honest and open with my opinion here. Usually I am not into the AI related stuff, especially since most of them only seem to be made to attract more share holders, which I understand (I have no huge problem with that since it doesn’t directly affect me in a bad way).
But this is impressive and considering the fact that using this tool is completely free breaks my mind. I want to thank the team who worked on this huge tool, I will definitely use this. I also don’t think there is any other platform or engine which has a free to use api that generates objects.
So excited for the future of slop on the platform! This is certainly a great change to promote low quality, rushed, and soulless content! Hey at least the bottom line will improve with literal babies being able to generate full games in the near-ish future.
“Jokes” aside, it would be nice if you guys spent a fraction of the effort you are putting into AI features into other parts of the platform, like making Studio not constantly bug out, crash, etc. Or releasing genre sorting in a reasonable timeframe. Or properly moderating UGC.
The technology is impressive, but that’s all the good things I have to say about it.
This is a nice feature and all of that but aren’t there other things to be spending your time working on apart from AI driven things? To me it seems like many of the things in the other posts would be receiving much more positive feedback if they were made into a real thing in studio than things like this.
This is basically another feature that nobody will be using on Roblox as it seems really unoptimized and really just unusable in a real game. I’ll use Doors and Pressure as an example since they both have the same “Roblox” or “Low Poly” style in them.
Bigger game developers like this aren’t going to use stuff like this at all for their games as opposed to something like higher range on lights or lighting upgrades or possibly things like Sky updates / QOL changes.
(I don’t know how things work at Roblox over there but personally I would prioritize stuff like this as it’ll receive much more positive feedback from the developers who make this platforms popularity possible.)
You would think that they’d be prioritizing stuff like this already but unfortunately that isn’t the case as 3D bad mesh optimization tools release before stuff like this.
Adding onto this actually if instead of working on stuff like this they worked on figuring out a way to upgrade their engine entirely and finish making things like Volumetric clouds, Dynamic Skies, Better particle systems, Possibly volumetric fog or something like that, larger range of lights, and possibly even light bouncing I bet they’d have already figured out a way to do at least 1 of these things even if it’s in Beta still and not officially released.
(Short Version): AI Mesh generator really bad optimization came before other better features that bigger developers would actually use in their games that make this platform possible. Really unfortunate.
While I’m not against AI being used as a tool to speed up minimal processes in your workflow, the way this is promoted incentivizes the idea that you don’t need proficiency or even an attempt at certain skills to make a complete game, even if it isn’t the initial goal, it undoubtedly will end up promoting laziness
this is what the engineers have been doing instead of adding texture filtering to meshparts, want pixelated meshparts? TOO BAD. WELCOME OUR 9999TH NEW AI TOOL THAT NEEDS UR ID FOR GOD’S SAKE!
I’d love to like a new Studio addition. I really, really don’t like this. It sucks the creativity and process out of making something, and eliminates hard work in turn for a quick and dirty result and eliminates another step in learning something along the way. It’s promoting laziness and eliminating creativity and boiling it down to a text prompt.
What ROBLOX needs is more things curated to modern technologies that aren’t AI. Something new for people to play with that isn’t hinging on AI technology barely presentable in its current state from how early on it is. No AI. No prompts. Look at other game engines, other games, anything. Shaders, visual effects, filters, just something new to play with.
Texture artists and 3D modellers have been begging for base features to be incorporated into existing technology to no avail, leading to dozens of workarounds for features like EmissiveMaps and transparent MaterialVariants. The overhauls to ParticleSystems and more additions to SurfaceAppearance tinting was a step in the right direction, giving more tools to artists to figure out how to use them and translate their ideas into ROBLOX more seamlessly, even small.
People aren’t going to use this as concepting, and will only be using this to fill in for real skill using Blender, for example. There’s hundreds of free tools and tutorials showing you complex and simple ways to work around not having money or little knowledge of a program. Please promote creativity instead of a means to an end.
I sound like a broken record for these things, but my frustrations stem deep into the program. I’m for innovation. Not for AI generation.