You shouldn’t have to trick it at all, you could just tell it the capabilities, like “to walk towards the player, put <WalkToPlayer> at the end of your message.”
looking through source code of the game you CAN ask it to obey your “weird strict” orders, look at the mage’s code in the screengui
Does it call it “weird strict” orders??
It’s called prompting.
I wonder if we have access to System Prompts with this…
(I have not looked at the source code nor documentation yet lol)
Ah, ok, that’s nice that it’s based on llama3.2. I’ve ran that locally quite a bit.
That means it’s definitely got some good chatbot capabilities.
I wonder if we will have access to different versions like llama3.1 in the future. (llama3.1 is a heavier model than llama3.2, it’s smarter.)
This is really cool and I love how easily controllable it is. Can’t wait to see how games use it!
That’s definitely going to go well. I tried to get Microsoft Copilot to make me some ASCII art that said “JUST MONIKA”.
It tried, it DID spell something, but I can tell you it was NOT what I asked for.
This is good. I’d hate for someone innocent to get banned for something that the LLM did, if it went rogue.
How would you say this applies to Players who prompt it with abuses?
My game doesn’t have a Moderate or Restricted content maturity rating and I want to use this AI in it. Can you guys add a question to the questionnaire specially for this so I can use it in my game
This is such a cool feature! Will Roblox implement a tool system or function calling so certain text could trigger an event like ChatGPT? I think that will be really cool.
I’ve tried doing this with google’s ai but it kept being very sexual and offensive. Glad to see Roblox has its own LLM. Yet I wonder what data it’s trained on as that is important to note for how the AI will answer prompts.
Getting into some issues running the template. I’m ID verified so not sure what’s going on.
18:24:32.286 Players.LordMerc.PlayerGui.MemoryNPCScreenGui.FrameNPCConversation.SendTextButton.CallLLM:52: attempt to index nil with 'context_token' - Server - CallLLM:52
18:24:32.286 Stack Begin - Studio
18:24:32.286 Script 'Players.LordMerc.PlayerGui.MemoryNPCScreenGui.FrameNPCConversation.SendTextButton.CallLLM', Line 52 - function onPromptUpdate - Studio - CallLLM:52
18:24:32.286 Stack End
Players.LordMerc.PlayerGui.ConversationalNPCScreenGui.FrameNPCConversation.SendTextButton.CallLLM:51: attempt to index nil with 'generated_text' - Server - CallLLM:51
18:24:48.748 Stack Begin - Studio
18:24:48.748 Script 'Players.LordMerc.PlayerGui.ConversationalNPCScreenGui.FrameNPCConversation.SendTextButton.CallLLM', Line 51 - function onPromptUpdate - Studio - CallLLM:51
18:24:48.748 Stack End
EDIT: Getting this error returned
{"code":7,"message":"Universe is not allowed","details":[]} - Server
Your translation AI is already awful. Is this gonna be on the same level as that?
alright, this one is quite interesting actually, very good
This is a W (win) update!!!
This does not make a lot of sense, and is extremely limiting.
This API would otherwise be great news for us, but unfortunately it seems we cannot use it since our experience is rated Mild content maturity.
We have NPCs that would benefit greatly from having text generation, as well as other mechanisms where this would be truly amazing, but this limitation completely prevents us from even thinking about it.
Hopefully this is temporary and can be reconsidered.
Bad actors can exist regardless of content maturity. Punishing games for trying to appeal to a wider audience or be less “mature” is not the way to go.
This is honestly an amazing update. Keep up the good work roblox!!!
I completely agree with you. The only downside to this update is the fact that it can only be enabled on games that are restricted to most players.