[Beta] Open Cloud Engine API for Executing Luau

I literally need this. I’m making an icon library that’s already available for JS, but I also want to add it for Roblox

hey, I currently have tests for ensuring collision group works properly which would be my use case

does settings Position and CFrame work right now?

(will add more info as i go through the setup)

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This is amazing, thank you so much!

A few notes:

I store my game’s configuration in a datastore key so it can be updated across all servers in realtime, and part of any test suite would be making sure the changes are compatible with whatever the current live configuration is. Having at least readonly access to datastores is very important to my use case.

This limit isn’t great since as a project grows, it’s not hard to have a 30-second test suite - especially if you’re running any kind of performance benchmarks. For comparison, I usually set my test suite to timeout at 600 seconds.

This is super exciting to see! I’m looking forward to playing around with it.


You can use any APIs available to GameScripts, other than the deny-list we list here: LuauExecutionSessionTask | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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How do you use this without it overwriting and deleting everything in workspace?

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you didn’t even read the post!


Excited to try this out. We’ve been wanting to do more with testing but it’s difficult to get everyone on board due to it being a messy process typically.

Some questions that come to mind immediately:

  1. Could there be an option to enable the APIs? You can already do this for Studio - I think you should be able to here as well. If I mess up production data, that’s on me!
  2. Where are you hoping to bring the limitations to over time? I personally would like to see more concurrent tasks and a bit longer than 30 seconds - which I know will happen, but to what extent?
  3. Is it possible to include arguments that can be passed to the script?
  4. Do you ever see the possibility of a fake player which can perform certain tasks (e.g. click UI buttons, interact with ProximityPrompts, etc.)?

Openblox (my typescript api wrapper) now supports Luau Execution.
docs: executeLuau – Nextra

Executing A Script

import { LuauExecutionApi } from "openblox/cloud"

const scriptA = `local x, y = 3, 4; return x + y`
const scriptB = `local g, x = 3, 4; return g * x`

// Script from string.
const { data:executed } = await LuauExecutionApi.executeLuau({ universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, script: `local x, y = 3, 4; return x + y` })

// Script from path string.
const { data:two } = await LuauExecutionApi.executeLuau({ universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, script: "hello.luau" })

// Script from Buffer.
 const { data:three } = await LuauExecutionApi.executeLuau({ universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, script: fs.readFileSync("hello.luau") })

// Multiple chained scripts.
const { data:four } = await LuauExecutionApi.executeLuau({ universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, script: [ scriptA, scriptB, "hello.luau" ] })

Polling for execution completion.

import { LuauExecutionApi } from "openblox/cloud"
import { poll } from "openblox/helpers"

let task 
await poll(LuauExecutionApi.luauExecutionTask, {
    universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, version: 26,
    sessionId: "66d01389-6bac-4d6e-8414-ec9d5dab8297", taskId: "66d01389-6bac-4d6e-8414-ec9d5dab8297"
}, async ({ data }, stopPolling) => {
  if (data.state !== "COMPLETE") return
  task = data


Getting Execution Logs

const { data:logs } = await LuauExecutionApi.listLuauExecutionLogs({
  universeId: 5795192361, placeId: 16866553538, version: 26,
  sessionId: "66d01389-6bac-4d6e-8414-ec9d5dab8297", taskId: "66d01389-6bac-4d6e-8414-ec9d5dab8297"

I’d love to hear more about this in general (i.e. beyond the scope of this API release). What would your wishlist be for testing on Roblox?

Awesome! Anything you can share about your usecase so we can learn more about where to go with our next versions?

The concurrent tasks limit of 2 per universe was lame - so we just increased it to 10.

Given this is a brand new paradigm in Roblox, we wanted to start with very low limits and monitor usage carefully before making too drastic a set of changes.


Thank you for this! Just wanted to share my use case here:

I implemented this into my Discord user installed bot so it can be used anywhere in Discord (even DMs) which is going to be super useful when I want to test basic lua when helping people or testing code that is specific to my game when I’m on mobile/don’t wanna open studio.


Love it! Already got my game’s unit tests running in CI with this! :slight_smile:


This isn’t specific to my use case but I found the docs to be rather confusing.

For example, from one of the paths for the create luau execution session task endpoint it’s inferred you can create an execution from an existing session id - which seems bizarre. I don’t think is intended considering this endpoint returns a 404 error.

Similar things like this occur throughout the luau execution docs.

Wow so happy to see this. IF there is any feedback on what you did or how we can make it better, we would love to know! Feel free to respond here or DM me.

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We are looking at this on an API by API basis. Please let us know what you need, that isn’t available right now! We’re starting with script.Source in the very-near future.

Can you let us know your use case for increasing over 30 seconds? We plan to increase this, but understanding what people use this for is important in making sure we do this in a sensible way.

We know we need to support passing data into this API better. Today you need to template a string into your script. We’re looking at the best way to support here. Arguments will likely be part of the story but we may need other mechanisms for passing in larger amounts of data.

This is a huge topic! No immediate plans but we are thinking about what the story should be for client testing. This will take a while to figure out, so any feedback about your use cases are helpful here.


Thanks for the candid feedback here - and for taking the time to type up your use case in more detail!

The background here is that we are being cautious. I totally get why it might feel like we’re being too cautious. Given we were launching a whole new way of interacting with the platform, some of the things we worried about included:

  • Open Cloud has distinct scopes for some of the same things that Lua APIs can access. Would users expect the DataStoreService Lua API to work, even though the DataStoreService Open Cloud scope is not present on the API key?
  • Open Cloud is premised on granular access to resource, whereas scripts in the engine enjoy broad access.

Ultimately - we want to give you the ability to call these APIs from cloud Luau execution, we just wanted to take a bit more time to plan how to support this. Feedback that this restriction is blocking a real + pressing use case for you is very useful. We’ll discuss more internally and get back to you when we know the next steps.


I get the reasoning and appreciate it, though it reminds me of how you already can do this… sort of. If you have access to publish to the universe (or even directly edit in Studio), you already can manipulate data stores without the OpenCloud permissions.

However, I won’t argue too much on this point because I think it’s worth exploring potential ways to secure this rather than blowing it wide open just because of something else. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Other than those APIs, I think there is specific value in allowing AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync() since you cannot perform this task with OpenCloud as it is now. The endpoint only exists for user authentication.

This isn’t very thorough but should give you an idea as to what we’d like to see:

We have a separate tutorial place in our experience which is a cut down version of our main game. Sometimes, when we ship updates, the tutorial place can break because of a dependency on something only available in the main game.

Generally, we would like to quickly test if a player is able to join, load their data, interact with the first quest giver, and accept the quest. This is usually a strong indicator that the rest of the tutorial will continue on smoothly. We might add a few more checks where possible and necessary.

Specifically we would need:

  • A Player object
  • Ability to trigger ProximityPrompts
  • Ability to send inputs

Our experience has cases like this but it is very very bad when the tutorial breaks due to something stupid. Not being able to automate this process slows us down since we have to make sure every individual thing works.

Maybe a more specific question is, when does the 30 second timer begin? I was originally thinking that it might include load time and our main place is quite large, so I wanted a bit longer to accommodate… however, it doesn’t make sense to include load time.

I see this as parallel with serverless functions that have a time limit. Sometimes, you wish you had just a bit more head room for certain things. I can see growing interest in higher limits when certain APIs are allowed, such as updating the place.

I don’t have an immediate use case yet as I’ve been locked in on completely unrelated work and haven’t been able to test this out yet. I’ve got the itch to completely rip and tear through our stuff and find use cases.

At minimum, is there a way to gracefully end tasks that go over their limit (e.g. game:BindToClose)?