Hello Creators!
Starting today, your tools are able to headlessly run Luau scripts in a Roblox place, within the Roblox engine, via Open Cloud!
As we spoke about recently in our Vision for an Open Roblox Platform, this beta is one of the first steps in our plan to ensure external tools have access to the full power of the Roblox engine. The power of Open Cloud is now extending beyond just its own APIs and into the Luau APIs exposed by the Roblox engine and the millions of lines of Roblox Luau code creators have written.
How does it work?
Here’s how the Open Cloud Engine API for Executing Luau works:
- You make a request to create a task - including the universeId, placeId and the string you want to run as Luau.
- We launch a server, load the place, and execute the code with DataModel and Engine Luau API access.
- You poll for the operation status, and upon completion, receive the script’s return values and logs.
For more detail, please see our Documentation.
What do I use this for?
This Beta release allows you to run code against a place, but the changes your code makes to the place do not save. We’re working on enabling this, but for now it means this API is most useful for when you want to run a script against a place and get the values that the script returns.
One example workflow is running automated tests as part of a CI/CD pipeline for a Rojo managed project. We created a reference project to demonstrate this: GitHub: Roblox/place-ci-cd-demo.
We’re working on making this API more powerful. In the future, the API will be able to save the changes it makes to your place, and allow access to more of Roblox’s Lua APIs. Some workflows we imagine in the future include:
- Updating pricing and game balancing (prices, stats etc.) variables outside of Studio
- Running complex or long-running procedural generation tasks on the DataModel
- Deploying file-based code libraries to the Creator Store, by instantiating them from serialized data and publishing them via a Lua API
Of course, we expect the most popular use cases to be things we haven’t even thought of!
Getting Started
Create an API key with the new
scope for an experience -
Use our example python script below to run a luau file against the place.
python3 luau-execution-session.py --api-key oc-api-key.txt --universe 6346344621 --place 18730824539 --place-version 212 --script-file script.luau
Await the logs and response (if you don’t want to write to stdout/stderr you can specify a destination file with the
Click here to view the Python Script
import argparse
import logging
import urllib.request
import urllib.error
import base64
import sys
import json
import time
import hashlib
import os
def parseArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="Path to a file containing your OpenCloud API key. You can also use the environment variable RBLX_OC_API_KEY to specify the API key. This option takes precedence over the environment variable.",
metavar="<path to API key file>")
help="ID of the experience (a.k.a. universe) containing the place you want to execute the task against.",
metavar="<universe id>",
help="ID of the place you want to execute the task against.",
metavar="<place id>",
help="Version of the place you want to execute the task against. If not given, the latest version of the place will be used.",
metavar="<place version>",
help="Path to a file containing your Luau script.",
metavar="<path to Luau script file>")
help="If specified, this script will run in a loop and automatically create a new task after the previous task has finished, but only if the script file is updated. If the script file has not been updated, this script will wait for it to be updated before submitting a new task.",
help="Path to a file to write the task's output to. If not given, output is written to stdout.",
metavar="<path to output file>")
help="Path to a file to write the task's logs to. If not given, logs are written to stderr.",
metavar="<path to log output file>")
return parser.parse_args()
def makeRequest(url, headers, body=None):
data = None
if body is not None:
data = body.encode('utf8')
request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers, method='GET' if body is None else 'POST')
max_attempts = 3
for i in range(max_attempts):
return urllib.request.urlopen(request)
except Exception as e:
if 'certificate verify failed' in str(e):
logging.error(f'{str(e)} - you may need to install python certificates, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27835619/urllib-and-ssl-certificate-verify-failed-error')
if i == max_attempts - 1:
raise e
logging.info(f'Retrying error: {str(e)}')
def readFileExitOnFailure(path, file_description):
with open(path, 'r') as f:
return f.read()
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.error(f"{file_description.capitalize()} file not found: {path}")
except IsADirectoryError:
logging.error(f"Invalid {file_description} file: {path} is a directory")
except PermissionError:
logging.error(f"Permission denied to read {file_description} file: {path}")
def loadAPIKey(api_key_arg):
source = ''
if api_key_arg:
api_key_arg = api_key_arg.strip()
source = f'file {api_key_arg}'
key = readFileExitOnFailure(api_key_arg, "API key").strip()
if 'RBLX_OC_API_KEY' not in os.environ:
logging.error('API key needed. Either provide the --api-key option or set the RBLX_OC_API_KEY environment variable.')
source = 'environment variable RBLX_OC_API_KEY'
key = os.environ['RBLX_OC_API_KEY'].strip()
base64.b64decode(key, validate=True)
return key
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"API key appears invalid (not valid base64, loaded from {source}): {str(e)}")
def createTask(api_key, script, universe_id, place_id, place_version):
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'x-api-key': api_key
data = {
'script': script
url = f'https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/universes/{universe_id}/places/{place_id}/'
if place_version:
url += f'versions/{place_version}/'
url += 'luau-execution-session-tasks'
response = makeRequest(url, headers=headers, body=json.dumps(data))
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
logging.error(f'Create task request failed, response body:\n{e.fp.read()}')
task = json.loads(response.read())
return task
def pollForTaskCompletion(api_key, path):
headers = {
'x-api-key': api_key
url = f'https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/{path}'
logging.info("Waiting for task to finish...")
while True:
response = makeRequest(url, headers=headers)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
logging.error(f'Get task request failed, response body:\n{e.fp.read()}')
task = json.loads(response.read())
if task['state'] != 'PROCESSING':
return task
def getTaskLogs(api_key, task_path):
headers = {
'x-api-key': api_key
url = f'https://apis.roblox.com/cloud/v2/{task_path}/logs'
response = makeRequest(url, headers=headers)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
logging.error(f'Get task logs request failed, response body:\n{e.fp.read()}')
logs = json.loads(response.read())
messages = logs['luauExecutionSessionTaskLogs'][0]['messages']
return ''.join([m + '\n' for m in messages])
def handleLogs(task, log_output_file_path, api_key):
logs = getTaskLogs(api_key, task['path'])
if logs:
if log_output_file_path:
with open(log_output_file_path, 'w') as f:
logging.info(f'Task logs written to {log_output_file_path}')
logging.info(f'Task logs:\n{logs.strip()}')
logging.info('The task did not produce any logs')
def handleSuccess(task, output_path):
output = task['output']
if output['results']:
if output_path:
with open(output_path, 'w') as f:
logging.info(f'Task results written to {output_path}')
logging.info("Task output:")
logging.info('The task did not return any results')
def handleFailure(task):
logging.error(f'Task failed, error:\n{json.dumps(task["error"])}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] [%(name)s] [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
args = parseArgs()
api_key = loadAPIKey(args.api_key)
waiting_msg_printed = False
prev_script_hash = None
while True:
script = readFileExitOnFailure(args.script_file, 'script')
script_hash = hashlib.sha256(script.encode('utf8')).hexdigest()
if prev_script_hash is not None and script_hash == prev_script_hash:
if not waiting_msg_printed:
logging.info("Waiting for changes to script file...")
waiting_msg_printed = True
if prev_script_hash is not None:
logging.info("Detected change to script file, submitting new task")
prev_script_hash = script_hash
waiting_msg_printed = False
task = createTask(api_key, script, args.universe, args.place, args.place_version)
logging.info(f"Task created, path: {task['path']}")
task = pollForTaskCompletion(api_key, task['path'])
logging.info(f'Task is now in {task["state"]} state')
handleLogs(task, args.log_output, api_key)
if task['state'] == 'COMPLETE':
handleSuccess(task, args.output)
if not args.continuous:
Below are the limitations of our Beta release that we plan to lift over time:
Changes made to your place aren’t saved; the API runs your code on a separate server and doesn’t affect your Team Create session.
Access to some cloud service APIs (like DataStores, HttpService, etc.) is disabled to prevent accidental overwriting of production data.- This block list has now been removed!
Only two tasks can run at a time per place.- We now support 10 concurrent tasks per place!
Each task starts a new server, so chaining Luau scripts must be done within a single Task.
Each task can run for up to 30 seconds- We’ve increased the timeout to 5 minutes!
Script.Source is not accessible (we know how important this is to testing workflows, so we’re actively working on a fix here)- Script.Source is now accessible!
Questions, Feedback
Please drop them below! This is a new capability and we’re excited to see what you do with it.
Thank you.