Beta Shorelines has weird water Collision

Hello devs, I’ve been playing around with beta shorelines and I noticed a weird issue with the water collision

As you can see I am floating in the image and that’s a problem.


after deleting the water, the collision is back to normal. After looking around I haven’t noticed anything about this issue. But it is important to note a few things

  • HumanoidStateEnabled for swimming has been turned off on both the server and client
  • water was created with :FillBlock()

There’s a host of other problematic bugs that I could go over, but I’d figured that since Shorelines is still in beta, and this happens so commonly across this little mound of terrain I have, surely someone else must have noticed this. Also I cant post in bugs yet.

P.S, swimming is disabled because its supposed to be a swamp/marsh, but if there are alternatives that prevent swimming please let me know. Also, creating the water first and then generating the land over it causes major deformation (the land is being generated from perlin noise, and currently water spawns after the land is done generating, else, the land is severely deformed)

There are several posts in the shoreline beta release post that deal with water collisions in shallow water.

Anther issue is the tearing of the terrain at a distance.
We’ve been told the issues are being looked into.

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Just what I needed to hear, Thanks!

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