Better a hitbox to weld it to the character?, or just leave it there

hello im amaro, and i have a hitbox system that, can calls a lot of methods to make a hitbox, methods like:
-raycast from that module for swords.
-a module made by a youtuber, its call “muchacho hitbox”, really good, cant romember the youtuber name.

im asking this cuz in every part that i make for these methods of creating a hitbox, i always weld it to the character, by settings the cframe and what part is wanna get weld.

and after a long way of not scripting and entering roblox studio, right now im back, i was wondering if its good for welding the character or no? does give less performance?, does make the game more easy to exploit?, its not good step for making a hitbox?.

(and i make hitbox on server side, if you were wondering).