[Better Answer needed]What is gameplay loop in Scavenger Hunt

  1. What do you want to achieve? What is gameplay loop of Scavenger Hunt itself

  2. What is the issue? I’m creating “Find the” game right now, but I need to now what is gameplay loop that applied to Scavenger Hunt itself, and not sub game in Scavenger Hunt.

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far? I created “Delete data” thingy and notification for if found already. Searching didn’t hit with this keyword.

Right now, route to object has many category of it.

  • Obby
  • Click to move over invisible part
  • Puzzle to unlock way
  • Quest
  • Luck

Game Loop

Intermission… you mean hub?

My game’s hub and main loop are in same place.

Gameplay loop is idk for me too

I added hiding spot suggestion too

nvm about to make new topic for hiding spot suggestion