Better Chat V1 [Deprecated]

Wym default send / receive? It also does fire .Chatted (except for whispers which is a complicated issue in of itself because I want to provide private message security without exploiters being able to eavesdrop on conversations they’re not in but that yeah that could mean people can’t be reported if you try to report them since it might not go to chat logs) I would post a feature request for this but I’m not a regular :man_shrugging:

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V3 leaks

Message-editing anyone?

What’s that? It’s localized?

Mentioning too? (ignore the slightly off-center image I’ll fix that later lol)

Testing will be available soon in a game. Check my previous leaks if you’re interested in this version. It’s an entire from the ground-up rewrite of the old system with massive performance and visual improvements.


True, I was trying to change the chatcolor but I gave up eventually lol

If we were to disable the chatbox there should be away in permissions to make the users chat color something. I am not talking about the chat bubble I am talking about the text in the chat bubble.

The update looks great, just my opinion though, I’d rather have message editing an option because I personally wouldn’t want it on. Other than my opinion, V3 looks amazing.

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Hey maybe you can add a custom leaderboard too so it fits the theme?

I do like this idea, so perhaps. What kind of things would you look for in it?

Edit: I remember one of the reasons I haven’t done this is the non-friendly add friend prompt the API provides. It makes it feel bulky and not as smooth as it could be.

if you could, you might also want an inventory system, sorry for making you tired but it would be cool

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That seems more viable than me making a leaderboard just because of the add friend problem I edited into my previous post. I like my resources to be easy to set up and non-invasive. If I do that I might end up creating a “suite” of sorts and have this all bundled together and stuff.

It’s just that I don’t have any easy way to get things back from this, thinking about making a like donor version of the chat that has early access to releases as well as some exclusive features and helps support my work. Not sure if that’s a bad idea though.

I really like the idea of creating a custom suite though.

Yes, it is in the settings because I’m aware some people wouldn’t want that.

V3 testing available: (not 100% up-to-date with the main branch I’m working on but it should stay close)

Please leave any feedback and bugs you find as I work on it.

Known bugs:

  • Autofill causes strange typing bugs on mobile (yet to discover root)

In your examples, I saw you had tags (like Owner or whatever), how would I make this with BetterChat? I’ve looked through the documentation and didn’t see anything related to it

I have tested the game and experience bugs.

My colour chat suddenly changed and really one chat should be changed

A slight delay when sending messages.

Can’t see the typing icon idk if that’s been disabled

And on mobile the gui went really weird and you couldn’t reply.

I also noticed I have new messages even though I’m viewing

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There’s 2 spawns at spawn so you can see how team color affects your name color

Probably ping / filter issues

Just hasn’t been written yet

Elaborate please?

This is a bug, the menu looks like it hasnt been opened yet but the chat is obviously open. I can’t find a way to reproduce this though.

the mobile gui went really weird one is that the text stretches sometimes (it’s most noticeable when someone types “lol”, the l’s become shorter but not thinner if that makes sense) and the reply i THINK he means edit? because u cant edit messages on mobile

I’ll actually fix this and do something similar to the default chat; send the message with underscores and have it update when it filters

Can you provide a screenshot on this? Cannot reproduce it.

im not on mobile rn so i cant provide the screenshot, when i charge my mobile device ill test and send a screenshot

I meant “default send/receive” as in be able to keep compatibility with some client-sided chat mods with your improved backend. Keeping those remote events would also help compatibility with some modules. I know RbxHelper:LoadChatModule() uses the default chat remote events so it doesn’t need a ton of code.

More V3 leaks:

  • Message reply function & bubble chat :D

(the message reply took me multiple hours straight to get it looking right and is still slightly buggy but it’s in a good place rn)

Want to test?
(not 100% up-to-date with my main testing branch which I post leaks on, but it should stay close) (as of posting this, bubble chat has not been pushed to the public game)


Does this chat work with keyboards that aren’t QWERTY? Because my friend doesn’t use QWERTY and he couldn’t chat at all in your chat.

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