Better Chat V1 [Deprecated]

Nothing is appearing in the output.

Nevermind, it says this:

That’s the only thing appearing in the logs, I cannot get it to work.

hello i’m having some problem while using BetterChat.
I followed steps to install BetterChat, but I still have errors and bugs.

First, when I try to type in chat, it’s say i’m muted. No command works.

Also, I have several errors, here:

 03:19:37.784  ChatScript is not a valid member of PlayerScripts "Players.Certurix.PlayerScripts"  -  Client - ReloadChat:7
  03:19:37.784  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  03:19:37.785  Script 'Players.Certurix.PlayerGui.ReloadChat', Line 7  -  Studio - ReloadChat:7
  03:19:37.785  Stack End  -  Studio

  03:19:38.818  Infinite yield possible on 'ServerScriptService:WaitForChild("ChatServiceRunner")'  -  Studio
  03:19:38.818  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  03:19:38.819  Script 'ServerScriptService.MainModule.BetterChat_Source.Server.Runner', Line 15  -  Studio - Runner:15
  03:19:38.819  Stack End  -  Studio

  03:20:03.765  Chat.ChatScript.ChatMain:9: attempt to index nil with 'InvokeServer'  -  Client - ChatMain:9
  03:20:03.765  Stack Begin  -  Studio
  03:20:03.765  Script 'Chat.ChatScript.ChatMain', Line 9  -  Studio - ChatMain:9
  03:20:03.766  Stack End  -  Studio

I’m worried to use this because of exploiters.

Can you elaborate on this? It does have checks for exploiters, but every chat system is susceptible to basic exploiting like sending messages.

Never mind I’m stupid. Some custom chats use custom remote events so you exploiters can easily fire them changing the variables which allows them to make it seem like someone is saying what they are not actually saying.

Can someone please fix this or take a look at my game. I love the module but extremely not reliable for big servers.

what is your game? i would like to test it out

Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t and since I have goals for advertisements I know random players who would join would leave again since they can’t chat.

Looks amazing, although for some people would prefer light mode.

The older version is getting buggy and I’m going to be doing my 3rd rewrite for fixing the bugs that I can and addressing new features.



I also fully intend on utilizing localization in this version.


I’m interested in using this but I can’t put it in my game easily because you didn’t provided a Rojo project source,

can you put one on github?

I think I might wait until the next version because I have reason to believe this one has some lag but no clue where it’s coming from

A GitHub release isn’t required as you can easily get the loader model from the Roblox site.

1 Like

V3 Leaks

(not released)


  • Chat window fades and stuff now (my laptop is too bad to record a good gif of this but it looks very clean)
  • Made a new updated emojis list

Todo: (not in order)

  • Chat bubbles
  • Message functionality (display names, etc)
  • Emojis
  • PMs
  • :SetCore support
  • API
  • Bug testing
  • Channels
  • some secret features I won’t reveal until complete


  • Since this is a lot of work and I have school it may still be months before every feature is complete and polished so pls be patient <3

Honestly one of the greatest resources I had ever seen, very useful and alot of players in your games would like to system, I would for sure add this to my games!


More V3 Leaks

  • Showcase of my markdown format, escaped rich text, user thumbnails, and localization, resize button, and channel bar!

Even introducing, custom display names for developers! Roleplay usernames can be as easy as:



Now supports:

  • Disabling the chat window

  • Autofilling API (cant showcase yet because im bad at getting screenshots lol)
  • Past message editing (toggleable via settings)

  • Viewport frame user icons (so it can live update if you use :ApplyDescription, and be helpful in identifying users in roleplay games) (still havent mastered viewport frame math yet so any feedback / help would be appreciated)

Config currently looks like this: (havent commented every feature yet)

return {
	UI = {
		ChatSizes = {
			Phone =,0,0.5,24); --> Chat size on phone
			Tablet =,0,0.3,24); --> Chat size on tablet
			Desktop =,0,0.25,24); --> Chat size on desktop
		Fonts = {
			Chatbar = Enum.Font.Gotham, --> Chatbar font
			TextFont = Enum.Font.GothamSemibold --> Every other text's font in the chat
		ChatWindowVisible = false,
		Resizable = true, --> Can the user resize their chat?
		Rounding = 8 --> UI roundness in px
	User = {
		NameColors = { --> Default name colors
			Color3.fromRGB(253,41,67), --> Red
			Color3.fromRGB(1,162,255), --> Blue
			Color3.fromRGB(1,236,111), --> Green
			Color3.fromRGB(174,81,202), --> Purple
			Color3.fromRGB(255,154,76), --> Orange
			Color3.fromRGB(255,211,50), --> Yellow
			Color3.fromRGB(255,205,221), --> Pink
			Color3.fromRGB(255,234,183) --> Beige
		ChangeDisplayNameColorWhenAttributeChanged = true
	DisplayNames = {
		Enabled = true,
		UseItalics = false
	Teams = {
		TeamColorPriority = true
	Messages = {
		IncludeIcon = false,	
		UseViewportForIcon = true,
		MaximumLength = 200,
		DisallowedWhitespace = {"\n","\r","\t","\v","\f"},
		ChannelMessageLimit = 15,
		Editable = false, --> 
		Cooldown = { --> This is the chat's antispam system.
			ExpireTimePeriod = 15, --> Maximum message cooldown length
			NumberMessageAllowed = 7 --> (7) Maximum messages allowed in a pre-defined time period

Any feedback for this? Permissions etc are yet to be implemented.

I’ll also be releasing the game for testing in a few days hopefully.


I feel that it should not be required to disable the default chat for this chat system to work. Keeping at least the default send/receive message system could have made this chat system compatible with most of the custom admin systems and other models that use player.Chatted.