Better Chat V1 [Deprecated]

How do I disable the chat history for this without having to edit the default chat module set by Roblox and without enabling bubble chat @Jumpathy ?

I agree, people may want to disable chat history for their games!


Can you provide your tags code for me? It shouldn’t do that at all.


That looks like a filtering error to me, but I’m not sure because I’m very busy with school and personal life currently.


Do you mean like not ever save message history or completely hiding the chat window?

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It’s definitely better chat as I have had this issue only with better chat.

@Jumpathy i mean completely hide the window like this:

Also that the bubble chat is still enabled but the chat history isn’t shown. You can still see players messages in game by bubble chat but not on the chat history. I hope I make sense.

Dooou Looks really cool Man! Thank you so much!

I understand that V3 is coming eventually but I had a question about V2.

Right now I’m trying to make an intro sequence before the user has control of their character. How would I go about temporarily hiding the Better Chat window?

Using game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat, false) hides the chat icon at the top left but does not actually hide out of the Better Chat window itself.

Am I missing something easy here?

There’s not a built-in way to do this yet, but you can directly disable the chat in ‘PlayerGui.Chat’ by setting it’s ‘.Enabled’ property to ‘false’.

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Do you think u can do this? Some people including me like to have no chat history! Basically like when you disable the default chat but have bubble chat on the default roblox chat system, it removes the chat history.

when you make v3 please make sure that you add in options to disable features like replying to users and such because personally i feel these features are too much (at least for my purpose)

In the settings for the upcoming version, there’s rank assignments so you can have like admin users, regular users, group members, and so on. And you can give those ranks access to replies/edits/markdown now optionally, or if you really just don’t want it, you could assign it to a rank that doesn’t exist.

Editable = "Guest", --> Permission needed to edit messages by right clicking / clicking the text (leaves an '(edited)' stamp)
MarkdownEnabled = "Guest", --> Permission needed to use markdown format, eg: **bold**
ReplyEnabled = "Guest", --> Permission needed to reply to a message
	Permissions = {
		Ranks = { 
			-- Ranks are like permissions for the chat, we can assign things 
			-- like markdown access to them if you don't want regular users
			-- to have those. These do NOT assign things like admin commands,
			-- I just named them like this for ease-to-understand.
			[1] = "Guest", --> Rank ID 1 will automatically be assigned to each user (the config below can determine their final permission level)
			[2] = "VIP",
			[3] = "Admin",
			[4] = "Owner"
		Users = {
			[1] = "Admin" --> Roblox -> Admin rank
		Groups = {
			[1200769] = { --> Roblox admins get the admin rank automatically
				[71] = "Admin"
			[9231886] = {
				[255] = "Owner"
		Gamepasses = {
			[17562709] = "Admin"
		RobloxPremium = "VIP"

Is that what you’re looking for for this?

Cool idea, is there a way for us to get a user’s rank back from these settings or somewhere in the BetterChat API, or will we have to keep track of this separately if we want to use these ranks for other things.

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Not currently, but it’s easy for me to implement. Probably will add this soon!

Nice. When do you think V3 will be ready to be published?

Also, if we already have an admin system, is there a way or would there be a way to import those settings into BetterChat?

Not sure, I may end up fixing up the bugs the current one, remove unfinished features (to add later), and then publish it as an alpha version.

Can you elaborate on this? Are you referring to an actual admin system or the permissions located in the settings?

So I have my admin system that already stores and handles ranks and UserIds. Would we be able to have BetterChat get this info somehow from the admin to the chat or would we need / would it be easier to just copy that information over? Like my system uses DataStores to save ranks rather than manually inputting them. Kinda brain-dead right now sorry lol.

What information would you be wanting to transfer? Like chat tags or commands or?

If so, I’ll probably have an API available for that. Also planning on making autofill APIs for the chatbar for things like commands and add native support for major admin systems.

Example for user mentioning:

-- Author: @Jumpathy
-- Name: mention.lua
-- Description: User mention system

local players = game:GetService("Players");
local autofill = {};
autofill.beginsWith = "@";
autofill.endsWith = " ";

autofill.onCapture = function(matches)
	local fill = {};
	local match = matches[#matches];
	if(match and (not match.hasClosing)) then
		for _,player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
			if(player.Name:sub(1,#match.text) == match.text) then
				local display = (player.Name ~= player:GetAttribute("DisplayName") and ("(%s)"):format(player:GetAttribute("DisplayName")));
				local username = ("@%s %s"):format(player.Name,display or "");
					text = (username),
					autofillBar = match.before .. "@".. player.Name,
					gsub = {"@"..match.text,"@"..player.Name.." "}
			elseif(player:GetAttribute("DisplayName"):sub(1,#match.text) == match.text) then
				local username = ("@%s (%s)"):format(player:GetAttribute("DisplayName"),player.Name);
					text = (username),
					autofillBar = match.before .. "@".. player:GetAttribute("DisplayName"),
					gsub = {"@"..match.text,"@"..player.Name.." "}
	return {},fill;

return autofill;