Better Chat V1 [Deprecated]

I was coding the plugin some more and I used some code from the talk command. My code is below.

API = nil;
local ChatHaxChat = game.ReplicatedStorage.ChatHaxChat

return function()
	ChatHaxChat.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Speaker, Message, Object)
		local arguments = {Speaker,Message,"all",Object,"default"};
		local success,result = API.chatSystem:createMessageObject(unpack(arguments));
		if(success) then
			result.message = result.unfilteredMessage;
			result.unfilteredMessage = nil;
			result.filter = nil;
			result.isFiltered = true;"onMessageFiltered","all"):getSpeakers(),result);
			warn("[BETTER CHAT ERROR]:",result);

I keep getting the error ServerScriptService.Server.modules.chatSystem:193: Failed to pass "string" for "speakerName" - Server - chatSystem:193. What am I doing wrong?

That is Pogtastic!!!:wave::wave::wave::billed_cap::man: :ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::ghost::basketball::basketball::basketball::basketball::basketball::basketball:

Does anybody else have a problem with mentions tagging for some users then not actually working due to it? If so and you found a solution, what did you do?

ClearChat | Server/Client Plugin


Install Instructions

Model Link: ClearChat | Roblox Link
Further install instructions see inside “Install Instructions”


The plugin now works natively within BetterChat
This plugin requires running the Source Code, You can’t be using the self-installer loader.

I’ve regained some slight motivation, hoping to do a few smallish updates soon. I really want to do a ground-up rewrite but it’d be a lot of work to function the same + not be noticeably different. I’m patching some bugs and adding new functions, please suggest some for me to do!


Pleeeeaseeee fix registerMessageProcessFunction it always errors

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That’s my primary focus as of now, I believe I’ve fixed it. I’ll probably publish this update in a few minutes.

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Update [BETA 1.0.5]

  • Fixed registerMessageProcessFunction in the server API.
  • Introduced a return system for plugins ex:
-- This is now valid syntax instead of requiring a variable = nil annoying thing
return function(API)
  • Added a new quickMessage function for both the server and client API. (Server replicates to all clients, and the client will not)
-- Arguments: NAME/MESSAGE/NAME COLOR/TEXT COLOR (colors will swap to default if not added)
API:quickMessage("username","their message",Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0),Color3.fromRGB(255,255,0));
-- This creates a message from "username" with a red name color that says "their message" in gold


I want to make more updates, so please leave the suggestions here! I sometime plan to do a rewrite when I have motivation and a lot of free time to develop the system. Also, please leave bugs here and not the discord since I currently do not have access to my discord account.


You were doing nothing wrong, it’s my fault with messing up a basic line of code. I’ve fixed it, and this function will work now. Sorry for your inconveniences!


I’m not sure if this exists arleady, but the option to change the size of the chat and of the text, its way to small.

And when joining and the roblox window is in the bar, it randomly makes the chat very small and thr text giant

I would say have the ability to customize the Server: TextColor. I was able to do it in the code myself but it’s janky and errors if I don’t pass a table. (if it already exists oops)

I cant wait to try to see if my plugin will finally work!

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This is one awesome chat module! I will likely be using this. :+1:

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Just created my plugin!

I like to call it AntiToxicityModule

It is used for fighting games, be it FPS, PVP, PvE,Etc.

It has some flaws, like when saying trash it automatly assume its a toxic message.

Another flaw is that it will add extra delay when sending a message, and when the first message is send in the server it will take like 10 seconds to send

Credit to Toxicity/Spam Prevention Module (Beta)



API = nil; --> When the plugins are loaded, this variable will be defined.
return function()


API = nil; --> When the plugins are loaded, this variable will be defined.
local AntiToxicity = require(6904706913)
return function()
		local analized = AntiToxicity.fullanalyze(messageObject.unfilteredMessage)
		if analized.insult > 80 or analized.toxic > 85 or analized.spam > 65 then
			game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MakeChatClientMessage:FireClient(messageObject.player,"Your message's insult/toxic/spam rate is too big. Rate: {Insult: "..analized.insult.." ; Toxic: "..analized.toxic.." ; Spam: "..analized.spam.."}")
			return true,"This message will be hidden due to being an insult/toxic/spam message."
		return false

Also, remember to create a remote event called MakeChatClientMessage in ReplicatedStorage!


I happened to notice that I immune to chat cooldowns, something highly recommended to avoid spammers bots or raiders. Try implementing that.


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Good Api, I tested it.
I got the text message to delete it for spam so this can help reduce Roblox Bots that say “Wow I got free r**** at r****.g**” – There are no Websites in this text if they are then they weren’t intended. Some words are blanked out so I don’t get banned

image for spam I think you could lower it to like 40 maybe 50 since those spam rates are also high.

and also You could contact the creator of the module or make it a model so other people can just grab it from the toolbox making it easier

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Damn I literally just posted a guide fixing registerMessageProcessFunction on discord.

Add clear history option to channels so that my plugin doesn’t require forking the source code.
My plugin currently uses a custom function within channels module that sets history to a blank table.

I’ll attach some screenshots of stuff I’ve suggested/bug reported.

Aw, I’m sorry! I don’t have access to my discord currently. The missing emojis were created when I ran all the emojis through the roblox chat filter and the ones that were filtered were removed. And I’ll work on the clear history option!.

EDIT: Your clear history function has been added!

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Hm, Thats odd. The ones listed there aren’t filtered by roblox.

Updated to work natively with betterchat.

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