Better Indoor Reflections - Live for Future Lighting

ive made it metallic too but it reflects the skybox only

I already said they barely aren’t visible with default materials, you gotta use surfaceapperance, but that’s only for mesh parts.

i am using surface appearance.Do i have to add a texture for it to work?

You have to use metalness and roughness map for it to actually work.

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this couldve been the best update ever but you guys somehow butchered it despite already receiving detailed and constructive feedback from countless developers and having deliberately asked for them yourselves :sob:
at this point people will eventually stop suggesting any improvements for the engine as a whole in order to maintain the status quo because of the possibility of a forced half-baked update causing a game’s feature to be broken and possibly unfixable


Someone help with this, I enabled and this is what I get:

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Idk when this got updated but now all my texture’s are now runed, the texture now gets effected with the brick transparency. We see here in the picture that all the doors etc are runed.

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Could you put a side-by-side comparison in the same position, both images? I don’t know what to be looking at . There’s two images at different angles you don’t specify which one is changed.

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Well it’s fixed, but you can see in the first picture that you can look through the door so you can see the tower!

Pretty cool indoor reflection. Metal material for sure got improved.

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Lovin’ the update! Makes lighting, metals, and reflections a lot more realistic and futuristic. Neat!


This looks absolutely marvelous! The sheer level of detail is incredible, and it will make everyone feel more immersed into the experience the game is portraying! Well done :clap:

Alright the reason i don’t like this update

  • The “Reflections” take ages to actually appear
  • They also can’t have players in them
  • They’re bad quality and are more pixexlated than minecraft texture packs
  • You can only use them inside a building.

I hope you know why they look that way and take a long time to appear. Generating high quality cube maps in real time is likely not a trivial task since ur basically taking 6 screenshots of the world all at once. Besides, this effect is supposed to run on weak devices to powerful PCs. So generating a high fidelity cubemap is likely going to lead to stuttering on bad hardware.

Could improvements be made? Yea sure. But I think it works well enough already and runs well enough. Also maybe try to understand that the platform that’s supposed to be able to scale down to ur PC from 10 years ago likely isn’t going to have super advanced visuals.

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Haha that made me laugh, :laughing:. But yeah, I agree with you. They’re super pixelated and takes forever to appear, and change. And the fact you can use them only indoors are understandable since it’s called “Better Indoor Reflections” but it’s still weird how they thought it’d be a good idea to make it only indoors, like wth!

Woah! That’s extremely realistic and looks like next level realism, how’d you achieve this?

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High quality? That is a lie, when I’ve seen cube maps they’re pixelated when you can actually see them.

If Roblox had the same graphics functionality as Unreal/Unity then it would be 100 times better, since we could actually set what graphics we want, like FXAA, SSR, etc. And then Roblox could lower the graphics you’ve selected when you lower the graphics slider in the game options.

I think they used a mixture of a skybox and the Cubemapping.


You are very right about the high quality realtime thing. That would be less performant than ssr. A lot of people don’t seem to understand what the reflections are.
This shows that it shouldn’t be realtime.
It should be a manually placed system, like everyone was wanting for it back in beta. It shouldn’t have had the transition effect, that made it worse.
Also with the running on old hardware thing, you have to use future lighting, which is not very good for old hardware.

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Exactly! developer-made things are way better than automatic in some cases.

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