Better Lightning

Does someone know, how to make a Lightning like in PLS DONATE, because I really like it. I would be very happy about an answer! Ty!

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you can do this by adjusting properties inside lighting and adding effect such as: atmosphere, sky, bloom and etc. and you can adjust their properties as well, if you wanna know more about these lighting effects you can ask me

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Yes, so I already tried alot of combinations, but I did’nt find out, how to do it like PLS DONATE, because I think it fits with my game as well

Try changing lighting technology (I don’t know exactly what it is called) from: shadowmap, to: future

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it’s because they are really profesionnal at making detailed lightning, and yes make lightning technology feature

We did that already, but it looks ugly xD

try adjusting exposurecompenstation

Also (in my opinion) I think that green is way to bright.