Better organization for local plugins

Currently as a plugin developer, or even just a game developer it’s very easy to fill up your plugins folder with a large amount of 1 off plugins.

This can make it hard to search for specific plugins without knowing the exact name, as you can’t exactly search for it using the windows searchbar, and will instead have to look 1 by 1 to find it.

Currently I have around 45 individual plugins saved locally, some of which have similar functionality, or are only used for a single game. This makes it darn near impossible to find a plugin I haven’t touched in over a year, as I’ve likely forgotten the name by now.

Some use-cases for needing to find the source of your plugins include but are not limited to:

  • Updating the source code / any assets
  • Retrieving a code snippet / asset
  • Disabling the plugin (by re-saving with the script disabled / deleting file)

Having the ability to save and run plugins within sub-folders inside the main Plugin Folder. This would allow users to, say create a folder “PROJECT_NAME” and store any 1 off plugins related to that project within said folder.


Better yet, we should be able to choose what plugins are enabled depending on what place we open.

It would really be nice if we were able to have an interface like the Plugin Management page (remember when that got removed? It was way better than our replacement). We should also have an ability to add a native description to plugins natively, since it’s way better than coding it in for every plugin. This would make organizing plugins much easier to do.

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This would be nice and not only would I support this, I’ve actually been wanting something similar for a long time, especially being able to enable / disable local plugins via a menu similar to the current Plugin Management widget.

However these are two different feature requests so it doesn’t really fit in. If you make a post about it though I’d be more than happy to upvote :slight_smile: