Better organization?

This does everything that I need, I just want to become a more organized scripter and the most efficient as possible.

I can’t think of improvements.

I just want to see how I could’ve done this more efficiently, maybe quicker, and overall shorter and easier to read.

Provide an overview of:

  • What does the code do and what are you not satisfied with?
  • What potential improvements have you considered?
  • How (specifically) do you want to improve the code?
local touched = false
local bv = game.ReplicatedStorage.ParachuteVelocity

	if not touched then
		touched = true
		local chance = math.random(0, 100)
		if chance <= 100 then
			local bcCopy = bv:Clone()
			local bccCopy = bv:Clone()
			bccCopy.Parent = player
			bcCopy.Parent = player.Parent.Chest
			local children = player.Parent.Chest:GetChildren()
			for i, child in ipairs(children) do
				if child:IsA("UnionOperation") or child:IsA("Part") then
					player.Parent.Chest.Middle.Transparency = 1
					child.Transparency = 0
					player.Parent.Chest.Middle.Transparency = 1
			touched = false
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2 questions, chance has a 100% chance to be less than or equal to 100. Is it just for testing or? Also, you set player.Parent.Chest.Middle.Transparency = 1 twice for every child that Chest has.

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100% was a test, and I just realized I put it twice, thanks!

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You should put it outside the loop too as it is just running the same piece of code again and again when it only needs to run once.

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In this single script, the rest of the code has to wait for the loop to complete, doesn’t it?

Yep, bit it should pretty much happen instantly. Either way, running player.Parent.Chest.Middle.Transparency = 1 over and over again isn’t gonna do anything apart from make it a tiny bit slower, and harder to read. If you put it outside the loop then it would only run once. Example:

local bv = game.ReplicatedStorage.ParachuteVelocity

	if not touched then
		touched = true
		local chance = math.random(0, 100)
		if chance <= 100 then
			local bcCopy = bv:Clone()
			local bccCopy = bv:Clone()
			bccCopy.Parent = player
			bcCopy.Parent = player.Parent.Chest
			local children = player.Parent.Chest:GetChildren()
            player.Parent.Chest.Middle.Transparency = 1
			for i, child in ipairs(children) do
				if child:IsA("UnionOperation") or child:IsA("Part") then
					child.Transparency = 0
			touched = false
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Hello! I gave your code a quick read and, over some coffee, rewrote it with some commentary. Keep in mind this is not a prescriptive “solution”, just pitfalls I see that could occur later down the line.

This code is using my own, internal style guide. It is very subjective.

-- Call me old fashioned, but I believe any service or import should be declared
-- at the top, even if it's only used once.
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");

-- I would recommend avoiding magic numbers. Any number that's not -1, 0, or 1
-- I would assign to a "constant" variable, within reason.
local CHANCE = 1;

-- Perhaps a more descriptive name than "bv"? Also, I'd use "WaitForChild" since
-- ReplicatedStorage doesn't guarantee everything is replicated instantly.
local parachuteVelocity = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("ParachuteVelocity");

-- It's advised you declare variables to be local both for better performance
-- and to not pollute the global namespace. (Good job!)
local touched = false;

-- I believe writing listeners and connecting them later in the script is more
-- readable and maintainable than inlining them (in the context of Lua).
-- Also I believe the parameter will not be the player object, but the character
-- model of the player? Should we check "character" is of a given type?
local function onTouched(character)
    -- I believe terminating the function early as opposed to wrapping the body
    -- of the function in one large if statement is more readable. It prevents
    -- indentation hell.
    if not touched then
        touched = true;

    -- In my opinion, values representing chance seem more natural as decimals
    -- than integers.
    local randomValue = math.random();

    -- I believe indenting here, however, increases readability.
    if randomValue <= CHANCE then
        local chest = character.Parent.Chest;
        chest.Middle.Transparency = 1;

        local parachuteVelocityPlayer = parachuteVelocity:Clone();
        parachuteVelocityPlayer.Parent = character;

        local parachuteVelocityPlayerChest = parachuteVelocity:Clone();
        parachuteVelocityPlayerChest.Parent = chest;

        -- I believe inlining "children" here is actually less readable.
        for _, child in ipairs(chest:GetChildren()) do
            -- We could just get every object that has a "Transparency"
            -- property.
            if child:IsA("BasePart") then
                child.Transparency = 0;


        -- We already have references to these objects, so we can call "Destroy"
        -- directly as opposed to using a bunch of property access expressions
        -- to get them again.
        touched = false;

-- Yay! It's time to connect our event listener to the event.

If you have any questions about what something is or why I did something a certain way, I’d love to share my rationale!


Would you mind sharing your style guide?

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I’m actually preparing a public release of it with rationales to release to the general public! I’ll have a functional link sometime this weekend, maybe Monday at the latest.

For the time being, if you have more specific questions before then, I can answer those.


Maybe have a popup after touched?

It appears this is slowly yet surely getting pushed into the backlog of things to do; when it’s available, I’ll post it, although I’m unsure if that’s anytime soon.

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Don’t worry, just take your time!

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One thing that I find cleans up the code a bit with Touched events is defining a debounce function which takes a function and returns a debounced version. This means you don’t have to write “if not touched then touched = true …” in every Touched handler.
There’s an example at the end of this wiki page under “Advanced Notation”.

Then you can put that function in a module and use it wherever.

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