Better Player Freecam

Recently I needed a freecam script for my level editor that I’m making and all the public resources for freecams just weren’t working and the default freecam script had many issues, so here is a better freecam module that is a modified version of the default freecam script.

Fixed issues that the default freecam script had:

  • Higher FPS resulting in slower camera rotations.
  • Up and down movements being in local space rather than world space.
  • Camera not using the players in settings mouse sensitivity for rotation.
  • Controllers not having a keybind for slowing down the camera. (example; shift for keyboards)
  • No mobile support.

Module Functions:


Calling this function puts the player into freecam.
This function has 2 optional parameters, DisablePush and DisableEffects.

  • DisablePush: Prevents the internal push function from calling.
  • DisableEffects: Option to not display the onscreen effects when entering freecam.

Calling this function puts the camera back to normal.
This function has 1 optional parameter, DisablePop.

  • DisablePop: Prevents the internal pop function from calling.

Sets how fast the camera moves (not rotation).
This function has 1 optional parameter, Speed.

  • Speed: How fast the camera can move, leave blank/nil for the default.

Code Example:

local userInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local freecam = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Freecam)
local toggled = false

	if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F or key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX then
		toggled = not toggled
		if toggled then

-- example script comes with the module in its folder.

See the optional screen effect here:

Freecam Warp Effect - Imgur Link

Get the module here:

Freecam v1.1 Module Link - Creator Store Link

Older Versions

Freecam v1.0 Module Link - Creator Store Link


It’s Actually Nice!, great work

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Is there mobile support for this?

Sadly not, I will be attempting to add it though along with more features and ways to customize

Version 1.1

  • Added Mobile Support.

v1.0 can be found in “Older versions”