Better "realistic" grass?

Hey guys

Can anyone give me some tips on how to make grass look a bit more “real”?
I personally don’t like it very much.
It doesn’t seem to be affected by light at all. Or atleast not what I can see.
No light bounces off, glare etc…Maybe i’m just blind.
no light passes through

btw, i’m a beginner at this, so forgive me lol.

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I don’t really work with realistic building nor terrain like that but maybe make your own grass? I really don’t know much about this but yeah, maybe make your own grass and change the properties. Hope this helps!

Edit: Grass usually doesn’t reflect light.


Play around with your lighting a little bit, maybe add leafy grass or other types of terrain. Its up to you.

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Hey, try making some skinned meshes and animating them to have a grassy effect!


i assume i can try that.
Thank you!

yeh, i will try that. Thank you

My lightning settings are all completely changed, been playing with them for hours xd. Quite fun.

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