Better safe ways to load scripts, etc to the player when spawn

hi im just asking a very simple question, what ways are safe to load script, or etc, like i said in the tittle?, i have a game that is whole thing is combat, but sometimes when i clone and put them on the player character, sometimes they bugged out cuz time, ping, or something else, like low fps, and that make sometimes to like say that cant find the humanoid/character, or literaly sometimes FOR SOME REASON, MY CHARACTER SWITCH TO R15, LIKE HOW.

yeah thats kinda it, i have client side and uhh serverside scripts to put to character, i clone in server though.


Wasn’t StarterCharacterScripts made for this exact purpose?

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im a bit special lol :3


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Okay. What is your loading system?

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if a character has a tag called “Alive_Atributes” get these scripts, check if is a player, if is a player, it gives them skills sets, everything, but if is a non player, then just the script give them the normal stuff, getting stun script, values, attributes.

check well if is a player is real or no btw, so dont worry about that.

and parent them in a folder called, “Live_Stuff”

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So what are the specific issues you are getting from this?

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i just said them, not load it good, when it comes to have lower fps or ping, sometimes, turning r15, wich is weird cuz is r6 only on, this all happen if you have been loading a bit long

this is happening on studio most of the time, so im scared if is happen more in game

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What does lower fps or ping have to do with the way scripts are loaded onto the character?


idk dude, what you think?


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Nothing really, I think.

What does this have to do with the loading system again? It doesn’t look like you’re providing the concrete problems you have.

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Are you going to reply with any more information?

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